A job that I enjoy very much: help many people.

Since I was young I have had a lot of jobs, some of them I liked some and others not so much, I have been an accounting assistant, ticket salesman in an amusement park, automotive credit supervisor, administrator of a civil association of retired teachers, administrator of a medical equipment company, manager of a parts supply department, auditor, and consumer credit department manager in a bank among other jobs.

Of all the jobs I have had throughout my career, the one I enjoyed the most was the consumer credit department manager. This job allowed me to be involved in the design of a financial product that helped many people achieve their goals and dreams.

Consumer credit is a type of loan that people use to purchase consumer goods and services, such as appliances, furniture, vehicles or even to finance medical expenses. It is a fundamental financial tool in many people's lives. This type of credit has allowed individuals from various socioeconomic strata to access goods and services that would otherwise be inaccessible to them.

In my experience as manager of the consumer credit department, I was able to see firsthand the positive impact this type of financing has on people's lives. Many of our clients were people who needed a financial boost to be able to acquire a necessary good such as a computer, or a refrigerator, or even fulfill a dream such as becoming a mother (through a medical treatment that was financed by the bank). Being part of a process that helped improve the quality of life of so many people was incredibly rewarding and enriching.


I was confronted with the lack of financial education of some clients, which led them to take on more debt than they could afford. This generated complicated situations for both the clients and the bank, as we had to find solutions to avoid falling into arrears. I had long talks with them to make them understand how far they could go into debt so as not to affect their creditworthiness, and even many persisted and unfortunately their loans were denied.

I spent four years in the position from 2004 to 2008 and I saw how technology and digitalization of this financial service advanced, improving the customer experience and making the process of granting credit and its subsequent collection more efficient.

I was able to be part of a process that helped improve the lives of many people and contribute to the growth of the financial institution. Despite the challenges I faced, the satisfaction of knowing I was making a difference in the lives of others made this job the most enjoyable in my professional career.

This is my participation in the Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 205, suggested by @galenkp Enlace Aqui.

On this occasion I develop the following topic:

Of the jobs you've personally had, which is your most favoured and why? Remember to use your own photos.

Ready to enjoy the incredible posts of the community. A big greeting to everyone, I hope you have a happy weekend.

The photograph is my property and was taken with a Sony Erickson cell phone.

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