A walk and pamper myself... just a little

Don't tell me your bed doesn't look messy when you wake up. Because I'm never going to believe that. Well, that's what mine looked like today, I sleep accompanied by 4 pillows.


I'm not going to lie to you by saying that I don't sleep in on the weekends, I actually sleep in almost always, except when it's time for work at a certain time, for example, tomorrow. I have to wake up no matter what, because it makes a very bad impression when they come to pick me up in a car at the door of my house and I haven't woken up yet, plus it's a job and a responsibility.

However, the thing about sleeping in... (yes, because you're already thinking that I'm lazy, that my life is going down a drain, etcetera, etcetera) it's not quite like that. It turns out that I actually get just enough sleep, but I like to use the early mornings to write because only in that time do I find true peace. So if I go to bed at 3 a.m., sleeping until 10 a.m. is just fair. And if I go to bed at 5 a.m., sleeping until noon is just the right thing to do too. So... point clarified.

Well, this Sunday I slept 7 hours anyway, but I decided to take a short walk and take advantage of it to locate a hairdresser, which I didn't know existed relatively close to home, until @mdrguez told me about it yesterday.

I had plans. Oh, but I don't know what happens to me with the plans I make that fall apart a bit and I end up doing what isn't planned. The initial plan was to wake up very early (laugh) at 6:45 am and go to do another type of exploration, related to nature. How deluded! The alarm clock went off and I turned it off with tremendous affection and continued to curl up. I was dreaming that I was already in the middle of nature, in a green place, surrounded by flowers and citrus smells. How wonderful! I dreamed that someone spoke to me and said nice things, which I deserve, of course. I was surrounded by so much love... until Chanel barked at mid-morning. Nothing, another Sunday illusion.

I woke up, made coffee, had a frugal breakfast, a bread roll with mayonnaise and some milk, and got ready to go out. At that moment I decided where I would go.

Are you ready for the ride?

I'll tell you that I walked a lot, but in the end I had a reward.

I have to confess that I had to repeat to myself many times along the way that everything would be fine, because this area is complicated to walk around alone. There have been assaults and there are also mentally ill people who take advantage of that place to... you know, we better not talk about that.

I always wait for that bus to cross, but this time I walked. I was brave.


I took photos of both sides of the bridge.

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Right here I was on the bridge and the truth is also a bit dangerous due to the traffic, because the cars were coming behind me and there comes a point where they turn off to go down to Boyeros Avenue and there you have to be very careful.

These two were coming, for the moment, but it can get very crowded in seconds

This is the turnoff. I took the picture of the Lada car but that huge thing also turned very close to me.


Mary had instructed me, after passing the bridge, to enter through a hallway, on the other side of the avenue, and so I did. I found at the end of the hallway a vintage installation, lol, a hydrant that doesn't work at all but there it is adorning the landscape. Well... the car that was parked when I was taking the photo is also in that spirit. This is Mary's husband Eddy's Polish car. That's what I thought.


If you were thinking that I was in danger, don't worry, since I left the bridge area everything is wonderful. There are many people and the walk is very enjoyable, as you can see.

The neighborhood of Altahabana is very quiet, the barber shop was closed. A few steps to the right I located it and will be going for a haircut soon. So I took some pictures and admired some houses that I thought were nice. My idea was to get to the 12-storey buildings, as there is a market there and maybe I would buy something I might need. I had no idea what. šŸ˜

A boy with a little bird cage, a little dog who was also walking... everything seemed very nice.

People here take their safety very seriously. I don't particularly like living behind so many bars.


To this little fellow I seemed friendly and he didn't bark at me. He looked like he was smiling

I walked around for a few minutes thinking about the fences and security. It is understandable that we want to protect our belongings and even more so if it is too much of a sacrifice to get everything. But if a person is forced to put up so many bars, there is a message here that is not a pleasant one, of course.

I don't know what's wrong with this photo, but never mind, focus on the walk.

The temperature was pleasant since there was no sun. This was at noon. So without breaking a sweat, I walked to the 12-story buildings.

And the market...


Here I said to myself: but come on crazy woman, how are you going to buy if you don't have cash? I only had 200 CUP in my wallet, which at the exchange rate of 1 USD x 250 CUP is a little less than a dollar.

So let's take a look at the prices here.


They don't accept transfers so if I bought something, it would be something minimal, and I really didn't want to stress. I didn't want to be examining there to see what I could get with 200 CUP. So... change of plans.

I went to the Altahabana mall to pamper myself with something I really like.


See in this photo where the traffic light is? Well, I was walking from the other side of the avenue, from the right, and I crossed another small bridge. The bridge where @pumarte has left his lizard detective dumped, because we haven't heard from her anymore.


The store and my reward... yummy!


This time I didn't walk back, I took a cab because I couldn't let the ice cream melt.

That was. Here I just had to cross the street and walk 3 blocks to get home.


My conclusions are as follows:

I prefer to be surprised by life anyway, and I myself can also be surprised by my (unplanned) actions.

If I have no choice but to follow a plan, then I will also look for gratification in it, because everything in this life depends on us. To mention a few things, let's say, our attitude to others and towards others, the way we give love, how others perceive us and how we go after our dreams and purposes, with what attitude we take it on.

Happiness is a choice.

If you want to discuss these topics, just leave me your opinion in the comments and I'll see you there.

And that's how Chanel welcomes me when I get home.

This video was edited in InShot and uploaded to my Youtube channel.

Bonus picture

Original content (text and photos), by @nanixxx, unless otherwise noted.

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