Weekend-engagement topic week 54: Your Drink

Hi There I hope all you will be fine specially #theweekend Family members. It's my first post in this cooperative community one of my friend told me about this one. I feel it’s good for me to take part in this community to share my experiences of weekend and talk about the given topics, specially I’m thankful to @galenkp for providing such platform. From today I going to start my journey in this community I hope you all community members will support me.

For me Tea is enough we can call it in our local language (CHAI), to be honest it provides like an energy to me when I feel lazy or tired. It took the place of our traditional drink LASSI centuries ago When Tea was not famous in our Sub continent the LASSI was our traditional drink. But now Tea is common everywhere in our country, whenever we have guests at our home we are serving them with Tea to feel good. In fact if I’m not wrong here if we offer everything to a guest and not Tea they might feel we haven’t serve them good, haha all about tea lovers.img20191201182511.jpg

Here we can see the importance of Tea from our love for it and space too because at our work places the break time is renamed with Tea Time, in which staff is taking rest with the joy or Tea.
Almost every weekend we friends are setting get together to have gossip and gossip without Tea it seems to be bread without butter and honey. I spend this Weekend with my old friends with the sips of Tea and lot of fun while remembering our old memories related to our School live.
All the Pictures are taken by me with my Mobile at different occasions in this weekend

Thanks to everyone for their precious time I hope you enjoyed The Tea Story by me …………..
Lets enjoy the topic and live happy in this cooperative @theweekend community

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