The snow changed my usual weekends

Hello everyone, this is my first post in this community. In this post I will write my impressions about the weekend. Every Saturday and Sunday I devote all my time to my son. I cook, I help my son with his homework, we clean the apartment where we live together, we take out the trash, we go shopping, we share our thoughts and desires, as well as our plans for the next week.
All parents do that. This is their direct duty, this is the kind of work that needs to be done, and it doesn't matter if I want to do it or not. I get up and even though it's a day off, a woman whose name is "mother" doesn't have a day off either.
And I really, really want to spend the weekend differently than usual.

This Saturday, when I woke up and looked out the window, there was a lot of snow outside. A bright white color shone from the window, which made the room brighter than usual.
over my morning cup of coffee, I thought that this was my chance to change the direction of my weekend, leave all those important household chores for later and go to the park with my son. Maksym has been waiting for a long time for enough snow to finally go for a ride on his favorite sled.
Therefore, we quickly began to gather, had breakfast and dressed warmly, because the frost was waiting for us on the street to -6 degrees.

When we went out into the yard, the light from the snow began to dazzle my eyes, and my cheeks burned from the frost and I wanted to smile. Maxim confidently pulled his sled. We were looking for a suitable hill for sledding. Saint Nicholas gave this sled to my son a few years ago. So the sled is quite valuable for my son. And the fact is that there is not always enough snow in winter, and sometimes there is no time to go to the rink with the children. Therefore, thanks to the snow, I changed the course of my weekend.

There was no one around at all. Only me with my son and a sled. It's so interesting in nature, because only yesterday there was such autumn weather, there were brown leaves in the park, like "old rags", and today everything is snow-white and clean.
Another woman came out from the other side, the same mother as me. She was pulling a sled with her daughter. Seeing me, she shouted that today's weather is for the brave!
And it's true!
In order to change something in life, to go straight to the goal or even completely against the current, I need a lot of courage, and even stubbornness.

Maksym tried the sleds of different slopes of the hill, but they did not give him the feeling of flying and he was not satisfied. And I continued to consider these drastic changes in our park.
The air became fresher and so clean that I could breathe quite easily. I wasn't cold at all, except for my hands, while taking these photos.

The snow continued to fall quietly. Snowflakes quietly fell on my hat, jacket, and even on my eyelashes. Maxim sometimes disappeared, then appeared. I could always catch up with him and find him thanks to the tracks left by his sled. At the age of seven, he already understands what he needs and is looking for a solution to his childhood problems.
Several children started to descend on their sleds from a high snowy mountain. It looked quite dangerous from below. But Maxim quickly changed his direction of movement and I helped him a little to pull the sled up this mountain for the descent.

A river flows through the park area. In my opinion, any water feature always beautifies both the city and the park. Especially when wild ducks live here. Before the onset of frost, the ducks swam on the lake all the time. Now the lake is frozen, and the river does not freeze due to its current.
everything seems to be in such a monotonous tone, but I looked to the right - there is beauty, then I looked to the left - there is also beauty. The white color added to the space of the park, it expanded the image, and I was able to see this area in a different way. I felt wonderful among the winter landscape.

My Maxim happily descended the snow hill. He rejoiced and shouted, then tried to turn over, the descent lasted a few seconds, but it was incredibly beautiful for him. It was difficult for him to climb up with the sled, but he stubbornly climbed up and went down again. Outside in the park, it quickly began to get dark and the temperature began to drop, we had to return home.
Then he asked me if we would come here again tomorrow. My son was very tired but happy.
And this is another opinion of mine, that where mom is happy, everyone is happy there. And, believe me, when we returned home, I managed to do all the other household chores faster.
Maybe snow evokes different emotions in some people. For example, you can sit at home watching TV shows, in warmth and comfort. After returning from the freezing air, our cheeks began to burn and redden even more. At such a moment, we appreciate the warmth in our homes more.
Another weekend is over and we are waiting for the next one to spend it again in some interesting way.
See you!

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