A most wonderful , beautiful and peaceful place in my city which is close to my heart : ram roti

Proverty is a very complicated issue, but feeding a child isn't - jeff bridges .

Hello friends !

Welcome to my blog. I am glad you are here again. This sunday was extremely special to me, mostly we went to the garden but this time i went to one of my favourite place, where i found immense happiness. let's know about it.

Last year many times i went there, a place where 40-50 kids come to have dinner. Actually this is a charitable trust where they provide food to the people who cannot afford the food. There are only 3 important things in life which are very necessary to live ; Food , clothes and home. Most necessary is the food without which nothing is possible. Unfortunately Everyone's life is not the same...some have a lot of money, some are average while others cannot even manage to get two meals a day. And Humanity says that we should provide food to those who do not have food. And we should also be thankful for the fact that we are in the giving category, I pray to God that no one ever has to ask for anything, Everyone should be equal and everyone should get the things they need through their own hard work. But now when it is not like that then it is right to be helpful.
So we have to pay 3500 INR For day meal, where they organise food for 50 children and give parcel to 50 old people. They also provide some snacks to children for the next morning.

At 8 pm they first start the prayer, sing hanuman chalisa and give thank to god for the food and everything. Than people start to serve the children. And this is the best part. **When we serve them their favourite food and talk to them lovingly, those children become very happy. Seeing the smile on their face really gives peace to the heart. Especially when we give them chocolate or something exciting in the end .

This is the most beautiful place in my city , names ram roti. It means lord gives the food to all.

There should be such places everywhere where the needed people can reach, so that they don't have to sleep hungry. And those who can give even a little from their wealth should serve.

It is not necessary that we can provide food to everyone and it is not even possible, We just have to start with 1 and if we all do it together then it will become easy.

The peace and happiness that you get after someone's help cannot be found anywhere else.

There, some kids have become my friends, whenever I go they become very happy... and with them I really get next level of happiness.

So, this was my special moment of this weekend which made my weekend beautiful.

Thank you so much for your valuable time, support and love 🤍🌸

@mysteriousroad 🇮🇳🙏

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