My Fruitful Weekend: Diverting Stressful thoughts into A Happy Adventure

Have a nice weekend everyone. By the way, I felt very tired these days thinking that I could have only a few days left before the vacation ends. I felt tired yet excited about the upcoming opening of classes. Another school year, another stressful load of tasks to do, and another set of priorities.

My Weekend_20230826_225501_0000.png

Yesterday, to relieve my tiresome thinking, I and my wife decided to go to her school to meet some of her friends who are willing and interested in joining the Hive, since my wife told them about the Hive Platform and they were curious about this Community. We came early to the venue, but they failed to show up since they found it difficult for transportation from their place to the decided place of the meet-up.


Taking photos of the front yard of the school while waiting for my wife's friends to come

So I decided to just make a video call with them and have a little get-to-know about the Community. I told them that I would inform them when there's an orientation program.


The school has a wide area and has nice new buildings


My screenshot after our video call in messenger since they were not able to come. I just did a screen share from my phone for them to have a get-to-know of the Hive and PeakD

There were only 3 who joined the video chat in Messenger and others will just come personally during an actual orientation Program. After a short discussion, We decided to go back to Arapal to buy dragon fruit and avocado.

A stunning view of Purok Molave

Going to Arapal, I stopped at the Purok Molave since I saw the nice-looking fence, I am curious about what's inside the Purok. I am amazed by the stunning view of the Purok there.


This is the entrance and exit of the Purok Molave

As I made a quick gaze, I was surprised by the stairs going down to the Purok Garden. There were words written there about the values and characteristics of a certain community.


This is the stair going down


There was a wonderful garden around the area. The place looks so neat and green


The Kubo is in the corner of the garden. It is so nice. I think that it is cold and fresh to stay there because of the green environment

Purok Molave symbolizes how people in that place United for a common goal. Based on their garden, shows how hardworking and systematic are they. After taking some photos, we continued to the store near the place to buy some dragon fruit and avocado.


The store can be seen from here. It sells different kinds of fruits, as well as vegetables and other products.

My delicious Buko-DragonCado Mix

After buying, We straight home so that I could get some fresh buko in my front yard. In my mind, I just want to make a buko juice "Lamaw" in Visayan terms to quench my thirst after a stroll. As we arrived home, I quickly changed clothes and climbed into the Coconut tree.


I already find it difficult to climb since my size double for the past 15 years. I used to climb coconut trees during my teenage years as my source of income


I just hold the coconut fruit with my hand so that it won't break when land at the ground


Coconut fruit ready for the process


I do spooning the coconut meat because it is too young then as expected. But it has a sweet juice and meat


I am done spooning the coconut meat. Ready to mix the condensed milk

I saw that there was more coconut water than coconut meat, so I decided to mix the avocado and the dragon fruit. I am curious about what it tastes like when avocado, dragon fruit, and coconut are mixed. After mixing the dragon fruit and the avocado in the coconut water and meat, I added condensed milk and put it in the refrigerator to be chilled. After I few hours, I decided to take a look at it. It is like a halo-halo. A delicious homemade halo-halo. I called it Coconut DragonCado Mix.


The juice looks a little red because of the dragon fruit. It is very delicious.

That was my Weekend Experience. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. See you all on my next adventure. Have a great day ahead!

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