Weekend-Engagement Rocks


The battle begins

It began with small prompts and comments, but the comments became so heavy to navigate that weekend-engagement spread to the blogs of the weekend community.

Every Friday @galenkp makes a variety of prompts in the weekend community for writers to think about and engage. The prompts come as an introspective journey for the community members to write about. These prompts combined with the reward of interacting with cool people in the community have become the core of weekend-engagement. It also helps that posts in weekend-engagement get noticed and get upvotes from curators.

Do you even have a weekened?

The weekend is a busy time for most people around the world and it is hard to find even a few minutes to sit down at a computer or even jot a note down on a cell phone. Yet week after week I have been drawn to engage in this community. I think this is because we share sorrows and joys and hopes here and share common struggles.

I have a tendency to engage with people I know or people who make thoughtful comments. I do skim through the community home page at least once a week and found there are a few things that catch my eye when I read or comment on weekend engagement posts. I read titles that are original. It is hard for me to click on a title that just repeats the prompt word for word. Most of the posts and writing is fun to read and people use their own pictures that make it authentic and often captivating.

The one thing that has sometimes troubled me about weekend-engagement was getting a post out during the weekend. There are three days to participate and I respect that because that's the weekend. It also gives the moderators and curators a window to find interesting posts and promote those posts while they are still fresh.

Dim Sum Weekend

We went mall hopping in the suburbs of Seoul. That's what that Nerf thing was in the cover. We soaked in the Spa, jumped in the pool and then had some Dim Sum for lunch. We learned that everything is expensive and the suburbs are endless. They won't stop building until there are apartments on the tops of the mountains.



In the meantime we had a blast and I'm glad we could share on #weekend-engagement.

Big thanks to @tengolotodo, @andrastia and @galenkp who keep up with posts and have made friends with the members of this community. There is not much more I would do differently. Your moderating and curating is much appreciated and the weekend has given opportunity for content creators to stay engagement and receive support.

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