No Regrets


Good Looking

She was by far the best looking girl in our school and she had the body to match. I was a seventeen year old hormonal wreck and had already transferred to a new school.

I was just stopping by the college to pick up transcripts when I was invited to her apartment for a small party with some old friends.

There was some pizza and drinks and maybe we had passed something else around the table as we sat together on the sofa watching some garbage on TV.

She talked about her boyfriend, who was gone, and how she didn't miss him. She said he was a jerk and just wants to cuddle up with someone and watch a movie. Then she looked at me and smiled.



At that signal one of her friends said,

"It's getting late and I have class first hour."

Then everyone started getting up to leave. I was also almost out the door when she said.

"Wait here. I wrapped some left overs for you."

My heart raced and I didn't know what to do. Everybody else was gone. I was so buzzed and I knew that I needed to use the toilet. The bathroom was next to the door and I said,

"I need to use the restroom for a second."

Somehow in fifteen seconds, I gained control of my senses and looked in the mirror. My feeble knees stopped shaking and I realized I had to do what I had to do.

I opened the bathroom door and she was there smiling with some little cake in her hands. As soon as I picked it up she grabbed me and said,

"Nobody is here. At least give me a hug before you go."

That's exactly what I did and no more.

A lot of things were racing through my mind at the time. I could stay the night there and nobody would know. She would never tell her boyfriend.

Nobody in the school would know what happened. We could just enjoy a good time together and then I would go home in the morning. But something pricked my conscience during that time I was in the bathroom.

Decision Time

It was a verse from the Proverbs of Solomon that talked about the fate of one who sleeps with another man's wife:

"Blows and disgrace are his lot... For jealousy arouses a husband’s fury, and he will show no mercy when he takes revenge."

Some may consider my random but vivid memory a curse and others may consider it a blessing.

It wasn't exactly that I was afraid of her boyfriend although he was a big guy. I knew for sure he would never know. But I also knew for sure that I would never marry this girl or take responsibility for the action I thought about that night.

I just thought it was best to be left at a hug and a goodbye.

No regrets

I have no regrets. Life is not a drama where this guy has to sleep with that girl and then fight the next day. I don't look back at my younger self and say,

"Hey. You should have slept with her."

I accept the decisions my younger self made and I'm glad how things worked out. Actually she did marry that guy and they began their own business together. She is the CEO and he is the CFO. They are still together after thirty years.

I don't think that we have to always follow our impulses at the spur of the moment. I think those who are restrained find something even more pleasurable than a one night stand. They find a living and growing relationship built on love and trust.

I have no regrets, for the path I took leads to pure waters.


I recalled this incident when I read the prompt from @galenkp on the weekend engagement writing topics. The writing here is completely my own and have no part with AI here. The pictures also belong to me @mineopoly.

The video link is from the Guess Who Official Youtube.

American Woman can hypnotize.
But, you know.
I'm gonna leave.

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