

Don't work for recognition but do work worthy of recognition

-H. Jackson brown, jr

Back then when i was in high school we do recite lots of poems and moral talks. As a primary school student then, that is how we start the day. As a student of the school it is compulsory you know it not just for recognition but for you not to be embarrassed when called upon to recite.
The above is just a preamble towards my content of today.
Among the topics given this weekend my content is centralized on the first topic option tagged :private or public recognition

On the occasions you help others, or do positive things for them, do you like or expect public recognition or do you prefer private thanks or gratitude. Explain why in either case, and give an example.

Helping others is a culture for me and not occasional. Helping someone is broad. One can help through advice, through money, through smile, through word of encouragement. There are lots of ways. And whenever I help this people I like doing it on a low. In the sense that nobody not even my own family members. They do not need to know. Me helping someone is between myself the helped and God no fourth party. Because there is this feeling whenever I help people. I do feel that someone can do more than what I did so why showing off or making my help a recognition.

Some people will always be confused when they see others making progress not knowing they have planted a seed by helping the less privileged without others knowing but when the reward comes everyone will see but won't know how come.

For example, There was this day a friend texted me on WhatsApp to run a transfer for him to do some things. At that moment my finance was not enough help but I could not say no fact being I still have a little change in the bank. I did the transfer and it ended there. Nobody knew I helped him. Unlike some people when they help they will want the world to know they are the one behind such Greatness. Which is not meant to be. And I don't think there is a reward for such help.I prefer helping in private.

To end it all, I will say we should help not for recognition but because we want to help naturally .

Thank you for reading through my blog

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