WEEKEND DUTY 001: A Peep into my Liveband (Cupid band)

Hey, Hivers! Hope you're doing well today. I'm excited to be posting for the first time in this community because the vibes are just so cool here. I checked out some of the videos and they're awesome. Speaking of videos, I wanted to share my band's vlog from the weekend.

We played at two different venues and had an absolute blast. I've attached a video of Part 1 above and Part 2 will be coming soon. I hope you enjoy watching us perform and getting to see the whole band and crew behind the sound. Music is life, and we had so much fun doing what we love.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and checking out the video. If you haven't already, please give it a watch and let me know what you think. The community here is amazing for providing a platform to share our weekend experiences and passions. Thanks so much!

All images were taken by me with my phone
Phone: iPhone x

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