There are sometimes one need to go to places which he has not gone to before to be able to see things and experience life beyond what he can imagine. Living at a certain place for a long period of time without changing environment or visitation to a new place will make one limited to see how things are done outside in life. This post was initiated through my journey to a friend church anniversary which I was invited to since it been long we saw each other after the strike that has affected tertiary institution, so I had to go and use that as an opportunity to see a friend that I have missed for a long period.


So I left home on Friday to get to the place so that we can have more time before the anniversary which is on Sunday so since I have not traveled to the play before I had to ask for directions from my friend but even though with the direction I find it very complicated to get but thanks to the help of Google map which I put on throughout my journey till I get to where I was going which is IJAYE. I don't really traveled into Lagos like that since I don't have anything to go and do there I just explore myself around but this was a journey I went to myself and I had to successfully finish what I started.



The journey lasted for three hours due to the fact that I didn't know where to take some bus that will take me to where I was going, but I was able to know by asking some guys and they direct me to where I will take a bus that is going my way. So we where there with my friends and other people that also came for the anniversary but have gotten there before Sunday so able to pass time by gisting and the rest, so yesterday which was the party some of my friends from school also came to the anniversary and it was a very interesting one seeing most of your friends which you have missed 4 months due to the stop in academic activities.

The Church

So I couldn't come back yesterday due to the time they finished and the rain that fell so I had to wait till today so I started the journey today by taking the bus after I have asked for a description that will quickly get me back to my place so my way we met some delay buy some lastma who stopped her vehicle for the offence the driver did last week which they couldn't apprehend him, so they stopped us and told everyone to come down but the passengers started complaining and shouting at does lastma not to delay house and leave them to allow us go to where we are going but they had to collect a little amount from the driver and they left them so we continued our journey but due to the fact that I quickly understand the way, my coming back was so easy. Thanks to my sharp brainπŸ€—πŸ€— that could remember how I travel when I was going.


The journey back was easy and nice, just try and be traveling to places you don't know some times for an exploration or visit it do helps πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

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