RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 30: Double topic!

I lost a grandparent and my father had a stroke. Not directly related to Covid but indirectly since many are stressed and anxious about the virus. I also lost a significant amount of money from my side business and had to pick up additional work to cover expenses. 2020 to me is one of the worst years mentally and physically. Lost a lot of weight but also not fully productive since working from home remotely. My hours cut short hence the second job.

It could have been worse, but at the same time I do not think I and many of my others deserved this. Took the final week of 2020 off and been laying low. Staying at home and mostly blogging and playing games. Simply ignoring as much of the reality there is in the outside world. There is simply too many negative headlines going around.

I intend to have make 2021 better for myself. Going to work on being more productive and hope to transition back to going to and from work rather than just staying at home. Yet I have nothing against staying at home work. In fact I think the positives of 2020 I had was mainly being able to stay home with the children since they also had remote learning from home. I got to learn more about my kids than I had ever before. These time we spend together is precious and I appreciate it. I intend to somehow still have time allocated in 2021 to do the same even if everything goes back to post covid19. Life is too short and I can not dwell on all the negatives. I have to spend my precious time with the people I love most and teach them what I learned in life so that they grow into better people and hopefully better than me. Thanks for doing this event and giving me an opportunity to comment.

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