Weekend Engagement [150]: The Dark Side Of Success And The Bright Side Of Failure.

I'm writing on
Choose one or more topics below and discuss it in any way you choose in a post of at least 300 words. I like seeing people using photos they took themselves so give it a try.

Credit debt
Compulsory voting
Income tax
Failure and success
Genetically modified food

I choose - Failure and Success

In our world, from day one, success is frequently celebrated and everyone sees it pursued as the ultimate aim in life. Ofcourse it is, who doesn't want the good things of life? And when you're at that pinnacle of success nobody believes you should have problems. They all think your life is moving great. But what if I told you that success has a downside? Yes, the truth is that success is not always what we see it to be or what it appears to be, there are frequently hidden costs associated with it.

Failure, on the other hand, is often seen as the polar opposite of success, but what then again what if I told you that failure has a positive side? I know failing can be overwhelming and depressing but from another angle to it, you're not failing you're succeeding, maybe not in the area you're hoping for but in other related areas. Okay let me go straight to the point.

Sketch by me

Let's begin with the dark side of Success.
Success the aim of all man, frequently linked to something could be power, wealth, and fame. It is one biggest goal that everybody is striving for, but what we don't realize that success has a cost. Sometimes the cost can be very heavy. Most times in our pursuit for success we have to give up our relationships, health, and personal life in order to achieve it. Sometimes in our quest for success, we put our healthy relationships on hold, work long hours, and disregard our health, when we don't even realize we are neglecting those aspects of our lives.

Then the plays back to us maybe when we've finally achieved our aim and result in us being lonely and isolated. Because we made difficult choices that drove the people we love away on our climb in the ladder of success. Most times while up in that ladder we surround ourselves with other successful people that are not the people that stood with us and fought for us in our fight to success. We then tag it "being with like minds". Forgetting that successful people don't really care, they are only there for more money.

Slowly the exhilaration of achievement begins to wear off, and we're left with this empty feeling and yearning for more. Because our obsession with getting more and more has put us on a dangerous path. Now we have no persons with genuine intentions to celebrate our achievements with.

Sketch by me

The bright side of failure.
Before I'm misquoted I'll like to let you all know that failure is a bad thing that should be avoided at all costs. It is bad when we are not learning from the mistakes that led to our failure so as to improve in the future.

Failure is bad actually, but then again failure can have a bright side. We can learn important lessons from failure and develop as people. Failure can also bring about experiences that we never would have otherwise experienced. Yes you read right.

Let me break it down.

Failure can teach us several things. Like it can teach us to be resilient and persistent. It teaches us to get back up and try again. Failure can be a motivating factor. It can give us the motivation to strive and to push through hardship and get over challenges. Gradually it's training us and then we find ourselves using this tenacity and perseverance in every other aspect of our lives, enabling us to become stronger, more capable people.

Failure can also aid in the development of empathy and compassion. When we fail, we are better able to relate to and understand what those who have experienced similar things felt. This makes us most times learn not to be quick to judge people because we've been in those shoes and we know exactly where it hurts the most.

I believe that people that had it rosy all through their lives barely have compassion for others, unlike people that understand the pains that come with failing. They grow this care and compassion for people.

Before I go, I'd like to remind you all that failure is not necessarily a negative thing, and success is not always what it seems to be. While we might celebrate success a lot, it's also crucial to keep in mind that it wasn't free. It came with its components and failures and setbacks are those necessary components to the path of success. Of Course without them, we wouldn't have the knowledge we gained, the resilience we acquired, and the abilities we honed which enabled us to accomplish our sole objectives.

So, as you celebrate your achievements, always keep in mind the failures that preceded it.

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