[WE]: Whatever I Say Will Be The Truth

Photo by Magda Ehlers:

This week feels like the questions were carefully picked out man!. I mean I didn't find it easy choosing a topic to write about. Not like I've always had it easy. But man, I don't even want to think about cheating on my wife and I have to deal with telling her or not. Or she is cheating on me and she tells me and I have to deal with forgiving her or not. So I guess I'm just going to stick with the one I think is less difficult to answer but a tricky one too!

Would you prefer to lose the ability to lie forever or have to believe everything you're ever told?

So here's the thing with the question above. On one hand, having to believe everything that I'm told might lead to some serious problems for me. And that's a fact. Why? Because these days, people really don't care. They could take advantage of me and I wouldn't even know because I'm definitely fashioned to believe everything that comes out of their mouth.

But then again, on the other hand, not being able to lie ever again is certainly a tough one too but check out the bright side of it. It would certainly make life interesting. You don't think so? Well I think so.

Here's why? Because I'd have to be completely and genuinely honest about my thoughts and feelings even if there will be consequences. Because I don't have to deal with my conscience judging me for saying somethings that aren't true and would hurt others. Because I just have to deal with the consequences it brings to me personally, because I can't lie. Because I don't have to live the rest of my life knowing that my lie caused someone a piece of himself. And isn't that somehow gonna give me a whole lot of peace of mind?

So I guess I know my answer already. And that is, I'd rather lose the ability to lie. Seriously, I think that would be less catastrophic for me at this point in my life.

Ofcourse it's definitely not going to be easy, but not being able to lie would genuinely make me a better person. And that's what I believe I need right now. It will make me be more thoughtful about what I will say, what I say and how I say it, since I have lost the ability to use lies to cover up my mistakes and manipulate people. Plus, I'd also have to be more honest with myself about my own thoughts and feelings.

Trust me, I could go on and on! On the positive impacts the ability not to lie again could have in my life. Definitely if I'm not able to lie again that kinda makes me a more straightforward person. Because I'd have to learn how to express myself with honesty. I definitely won't have the ability to use not even the "half-truths" or be deceptive to get what I want.

On the downside though, I think I would lose a lot of friends. Yes because without the ability to lie, sometimes I won't be able to cover for a friend. People would be scared to do things around me because if I'm asked I'll definitely tell the truth on what they did. It will ruin my relationships and social situations. But I still like to think that the benefits outweigh the costs.

So to be honest with you, yes!, I think I'll go with losing the ability to lie. Although it might take some getting used to.

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