WE: My Least Favorite Thing About Being A Man


Being a man comes with its own set of expectations and stereotypes that can be difficult to navigate. From societal pressure to be financially successful, to the expectation of not showing vulnerability. The two stereotypes above are my least favorite things that I hate about being a man.

To be honest some of these expectations placed on men can be overwhelming and damaging. And truthfully the most times these expectations turn out to have a negative dent on our self-esteem as men. Don't worry I will also tell you the reasons why the two picks in my least favorite things about being a man can be detrimental to men's mental and emotional well-being.

  • The expectation that a man should be rich. This expectation can be incredibly damaging, as it puts a lot of pressure on men to achieve financial success in order to be considered a “real” man. It can make a man feel like he is not good enough if he is not wealthy. Society often equates wealth with success especially when it comes to men, and this can make men feel like they are failures if they are not able to achieve financial success. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, which can be incredibly damaging to a person’s mental health.

This has gone so wrong to the extent that it can make men feel like they are not worthy of love or respect if they are not wealthy. I don't know about the western world how it is done in the western world but from my country, sadly this has been the situation. Not trying to generalize but for you to find love as a man in this generation, you have to be making six figures and driving a luxurious car.

Additionally, this expectation can be incredibly harmful to men who are struggling financially. Many men are struggling to make ends meet, whether it be because of job loss, medical bills, or other financial hardships. When society expects men to be rich, it can make men who are struggling financially feel even more inadequate and powerless and for them to feel among the end up going into fraudulent activity just to make money and ball and the society accept them.


  • Another aspect of being a man that I truly dislike is the expectation that men should not show their pains even when they are in pain, emotionally or otherwise. This is one expectation I've seen many husbands battle with. This expectation can be incredibly damaging, as it can make men feel like they are not allowed to express their emotions or show vulnerability.

One of the biggest reasons why this expectation is so damaging is because it can make men feel like they are vulnerable if they express their pain. Men are often taught from a young age that they should be “tough” and not show their feelings, which can make it difficult for them to express their emotions or ask for help when they need it. They are often expected to be self-reliant and not to rely on others for help or support, which can make it difficult for them to seek help or support when they need it. Sometimes, this can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can be incredibly damaging to a person’s emotional well-being.

These expectations can be incredibly harmful to men who are struggling emotionally. Many men are struggling with emotional issues such as depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues, and when society expects men to not show their pains, it can make men who are struggling emotionally not to speak up. Most times I want to talk to someone about how I feel, because it can make the burden a little lighter but when I think of how I'll be seen I just cant.

Men should not be stigmatized for speaking up or seeking help. Men should not be judged or devalued because they are not wealthy. Men should be valued and respected for who they are, regardless of their financial status.

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