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My Productive Sunday: A Day of Fitness, Inspiration, and Faith!"

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer


Hi everyone! It's me again @marie.creates. I am back with a new post. This time I want to share with all of you how I make my day productive.

It's Sunday and I wake up at 5:30 in the morning. I usually don't wake up early but today I have a plan and that is to exercise.
These past few days, my body feels weak, and I get easily tired. Partly, because I was bombarded with a lot of paperwork and many scheduled activities in school. Another thing is that I got so busy that I forgot to stretch my body. That's why today I want to do things that can make me alive and get back my energy.




It's past 6 in the morning and the sun shines brightly. And look! this is the view I have during my jog. What a beautiful creation! This is what I really love in my place. The beautiful mountains, the fog, and the green grasses all in one place. And who wouldn't love that? What a beautiful nature it is!




I just had five laps and I feel amazing 😍. What I really love here is the fresh air that you breathe in between breaks. I have my tumbler with me whenever I feel thirsty and a towel for my sweat.

I guess I had ten laps before I decided to go back home. And before that, I can't go back home without taking photos. I just can't get over with this view. It was so calm and peaceful.
Thanks a lot to my best companion and my go-to-travel buddy, my sister, for these wonderful photos.



After exercising, I'm finally back on track. I can feel my body being energized and my mood has improved. I'm happy that I accomplished one of the things that I love.
Since tomorrow is Monday and I should start the week right. I prepared a PowerPoint presentation for tomorrow's discussion and a weekly log plan. It's very important to plan your schedule for the entire week for you to have a goal to achieve. Personally, I have this planner with me so that I will not feel anxious in my classes and It's a good thing that I am so ready for the entire week.



It was past three in the afternoon when I decided to go outside. I wanted to do something good that could match the perfect fine weather (not too hot and not too cold). It was just a great day to stay outside. I brought with me a book by Joena San Diego entitled "DEAR DREAMER". I sat on our Bermuda grasses while reading this book.


By the way, the book that I have is an anniversary gift from a friend of mine whom I do business. I kind of appreciate her for being so thoughtful.



I just want to share an overview of this book. It's for the dreamers and goal getters. If you want something in life, go for it. Never stop chasing your dreams and never ever think of giving up. If you want to rest, then it's fine, but never quit and never surrender. Challenges will be on your way but never forget to ask for guidance and strength from God . Just like what the bible says "When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen. " (Isaiah 60:22).
So you just need to trust him and surrender all your worries to him.



"Before this day ends, I will not forget to praise and glorify your name."

At four thirty in the afternoon, my sister and I went to the church. We just love attending mass at this time of the day because it's not hot, not too crowded, and you will be at peace. The mass went smoothly and we went home right away.


And this is what I do to make my day productive. How about you? How did you spend your day? Whether you spend it with your family, your friends, or by yourself, that's still progress as long as you accomplish something and you're happy with what you're doing. Remember, happiness is created in doing simple things with pure intentions and a grateful heart ❤️.

If you have come to this part of my blog, thank you so much! I hope to see you again soon. God bless dear hivers!