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What I like least about being a woman / Weekend Experiences - Week 137

Greetings dear readers!

I hope you had a nice Sunday, to end my week I would like to share my participation in the challenge that @galenkp brings us this time and I must thank my friend @kristal24 for inviting me, as the theme of the weekend I have chosen to talk about what I like being a woman less, which undoubtedly has its disadvantages in many areas of life, here I talk about it.

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Being a woman in other times could be a challenge due to being considered the weaker sex, which brings with it an endless number of stereotypes that condemn us for being women, luckily, these are other times and the stereotypes to define women have changed, however, there are still people with thoughts that are somehow "discriminatory" when referring to women and that is precisely what I have had to experience on different occasions despite being in the 21st century where assumes that both genders should be seen as equals.

Being a woman has its advantages but also its disadvantages and although I really like being a woman and all that this implies, there are certain things that I don't like about my gender and that is why I have decided to talk about this topic, with the main complaint being discrimination of which I have been a victim on many occasions just for being that, a woman. It happened to me a lot at university, because I decided to study a career considered "difficult" and which in turn was mostly studied by men, even so, it was the career that I enrolled in and from which I actually graduated despite the fact that many thought that I would not be able to do it and also that I would not be able to pursue my career because I would have limitations such as not being suitable for a job of this type because I am a woman, something that really sounds very ugly.

Many times society tries to impose things on us and divide us into genders when in reality women are capable of doing many things just like men, during my student days I helped many of my classmates and several of them were men, I got to join in team with several of them where I was doing all the work and of course I got better grades, which clearly indicates that being a woman is not an impediment to any university career, because, regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, you cannot be a good student if you do not You dedicate yourself to studying, it's that simple.

There are also other experiences lived with family and friends, where many times I felt excluded or I was determined to do something just because I was a woman, household chores such as cleaning, cooking and washing are seen as activities for women and that is what many times I had to do at home while the men (my father and brothers) were there doing nothing), in meetings with friends I was excluded on different occasions for wanting to be alone among men even though they were all friends, but anyway, they are things that have happened to me but that instead of weakening me they have made me believe that we are stronger than women if we can with everything but that unfortunately they underestimate us.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I really like being a woman, I like my gender, but there are things that I dislike, but not because of me, but because of the bad perspective that others have towards the female gender and that, even if I don't want it, they impose things on us according to our gender, I do not consider myself a feminist, but I would like my gender to be more respected and less discriminated against.

¡Thanks for stopping to read!
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See you in my next post.
¡Have a happy day!