Life and death is in the hands of the Creator, whichever He wills, shall be

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(Mom, on her Golden Jubilee Wedding Anniversary)

Friday October 8th, 2021 at about 09:00hrs night time m my phone rang. I grabbed it looked at the caller id, behold it was my niece, Adaoma calling. I thought to myself, why would she be calling me, hope all is well...
I picked the call and could hear her crying from the other end while saying

Auntie, come o come o grandma grandma, she's in a critical condition 😒and she dropped the call

On hearing that my heart raced and jumped inside my stomach, oh God please, it's not happening, how come? But I just left their house about three hours ago. Infact she was preparing dinner when I left.
I called her back and asked where they were and how it happened. She said that my elder brother with the wife and Dee Stanley, a neighbor and close family friend were already there and that they were going to the hospital. I heaved a sigh of relief and started praying, asking God to please keep her alive.

This was how it happened
My niece said that they had finished eating dinner, mom took her bath and called her to come check her BP (mom is hypertensive) which she did and after that gave mom her medicine to take. After some minutes, mom called her and said that her body system has changed and before you could say jack, she vomited. As she was cleaning the vomit, mom started breathing heavily, it was then that they knew it was serious so dad put a call across to my elder brother who was living at the other street, not too far from them. Uncle Stanley was also called to bring his car so they can take mom to the hospital.

Before they could get to the nearby hospital, mom was already unconscious, in short, cold as they put it, and when the nurses saw her, they rejected her and told them to take her to another hospital, that there was no doctor on call to attend to her. Jeezzz 😒😭.

On their way out, they met the matron on night duty who also happens to be their neighbor and family too. On seeing mom she rushed her to the intensive care unit and immediately put a call across to the doctor explaining how mom was. She knows mom's health status that made it easier, so the doctor then directed her on what to do to arrest the situation. The matron was indeed God sent, if not that would have been the end for my mom.

The following morning, I went to the hospital. When I saw mom, I held myself from crying. She was a shadow of herself, almost lifeless. I felt shivers all over my body. I touched her and called her name, she turned, looked at me with a strange sunken eyes, murmured something and faced the wall. After a while she slept off.

It was then it dawned on me that mom really fought with death. I allowed her sleep and after she woke up, I managed to feed her the pap I prepared. Oh, it wasn't easy. Mom, a strong woman who's always up and about couldn't even open her mouth to eat talk more of say an audible word.
Aaarrrhhh, She couldn't move, was on urinary catheter. I clean her up on the bed.😒
Series of tests were done, injections, drips, tablets, name it. She was placed on constant monitoring. Her BP, pulse were checked per hour.

It was after three days that she was able to sit up on the bed, yet still weak.
Five days later, she was a bit stable, able to stand up but with support, so the urinary catheter was removed and I was now taking her to the convenience with a wheelchair. I was still cleaning her up and feeding her.

Mom stayed in the hospital for twelve days before being discharged and we came home. Thank God she survived it because some other person wouldn't have.
Thank God also for the matron that came in at that time and attended to her immediately, if not she would have been dead by the time they manage to get to another hospital.

Mom indeed faced a life and death situation but she survived it and its still #aliveandthriving till today. God did it.

(Mom, on my birthday)

This is my submission to the weekend experiences contest, week 143.
Thank you.
I am @luchyl

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