My Face, My Signature!

Every part of the body is important, whether it be the big part or the small one. They all work together to keep the body active and alive.
I like every part of my body but since we are to choose a favorite body part, I'll go with my face.

I have a pretty face that complements my sizeable head which is a perfect fit for my slender body.
And on it you will find a firm pointed nose, big sharp eyes with full eyebrows, which I do carve, sometimes though. You will also find well shaped mouth with bulbous lips, cute cheeks that form small dimples whenever I smile, a chin that has some hairs growing on it. Wait did I just say that, oh gosh, now you know, I'm endowed with beards.
I don't know if it's same in your city but there's this notion or would I say belief here in my country that females that grow beards are wicked so people tend to see me that way because of it, but that's there stress not mine.

So with the way my face is beautifully endowed who wouldn't like to behold it but just so you know although it's a center of attention it's also a center of distraction, By this I mean if it captures your attention, it may distract you from what you're supposed to do, lol.

My face is my signature, it is what you see first and you can know me through it. It shows the feelings I have at any particular time without hiding it. If I'm happy or pissed about something or someone, it shows on my face immediately. If I'm not comfortable with something or something, you will know it from my face, there's no pretense when it comes to my face.

Naturally, I am not really sunny faced sort of and because of that I've been termed as unsociable, uninviting, proud and all sorts of that. Before now it usually get to me when I hear that about me but now it doesn't bother me anymore. I guess it's those who feel intimidated by my aura, yeah, I have a strong aura and my face carries it. I don't have to go about revealing 32 white shinny teeth to just anyone that comes along, you have to earn it, lol. And those who have earned it will confirm that this face belongs to a beautiful soul.

My face is beautifully made and when I smile the beauty glows the more. I got it from my momma so I have to flaunt it.

This is my response to the Weekend Engagement 195

Thank you for reading and see ya!

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

All Images Are Mine

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