Weekend Reading

Weekend Experiences Prompt

Weekend reading
What book are you reading this weekend and why? What do you love about it? This response has to be about a book you're currently reading, not one you read previously. Photograph the book as your image for this post. (Your own photos only.) Bonus points for telling us what the next book on your list to read is and why?

A while back, I watched the movie Shirley on Netflix. Shirley Jackson is a horror and mystery writer. I really like her style of writing because it's a more subtle eerie horror, rather than alarming gruesome horror. I was really intrigued by the back story of this author so I decided to read one of her books. I figured it was a perfect time to read it since Halloween will be here soon. Luckily, my local library had a few of her books. I checked outThe Haunting of Hill House, thinking I'd start with one of her most popular books. It's a gothic horror novel that is considered one of the best literary ghost stories published during the 20th century. The cover of the book is wrapped in clear packing tape to keep it from falling apart; most likely because it's been there a while and has been checked out a lot.

So far, I'm really enjoying this book. In a nutshell, it's about a researcher who invites strangers to stay in the house while they study the scientific evidence of paranormal existence and psychic phenomena within the house. I'm almost half-way through, and yet I still don't know what is actually wrong with Hill House. There is a lot of suspense, which keeps me reading.

At first, I couldn't understand why someone would respond to a letter asking them to come stay in a supposedly haunted house with strangers. I laughed when I imagined the modern day version of this being a Craigslist Ad. However, there is a back story to why the participants choose to venture out to Hill House.

All in all, I like this book and plan to check out the other Shirley Jackson novels that the library has to offer.

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