[WE98] Favorite Holiday: Tofino, British Columbia


I absolutely fell in love with Vancouver when I visited in 2017. As I was just going through my Vancouver photos, I couldn't decide which one to choose. It's a favorite holiday, and a favorite time spent in nature. Before exploring the city of Vancouver, we explored the wilderness of Vancouver Island. We flew into Vancouver, then took a scenic ferry ride to Vancouver Island. Next came an exhilarating, yet scary, bus ride that drove across Vancouver Island on the Pacific Rim Highway. The four-hour bus ride swept through the rugged and winding roads among beautiful mountains and forests. The bus hauled around tight curves among cliffs that overlooked rivers, mountains and large fir trees. Each row of the bus was equipped with plastic bags for those who became queasy.

After a jarring bus ride, we walked from the bus station to our AirBnb property a.k.a. my dream house (pictured). This serene spot was well worth the rowdy expedition across the island. It was a quaint little cabin in its own quiet spot, and included it's own beach. Not to mention, the view. It was surrounded by forest, shrubs, ferns, and tall fir trees. Meanwhile, it was only a ten minute walk from town. Tofino is a small town, but also a tourist destination. There are numerous whale-watching, bear-watching, and hot spring tour services there, since that's what it's known for. It's also a popular surfing destination. We chose the hot springs tour, but managed to see whales and sea lions on the boat ride that took us to the hot springs. Unfortunately, I did not see a single bear during my visit to Vancouver.

The nature on my trip to Vancouver was some of the most beautiful nature I've ever seen. I also experienced all kinds of beautiful nature on my trip to Vancouver city. However, Vancouver Island was a true outdoor experience.

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