My family will die of starvation ha,ha,ha,ha Week #172


It's the end of the week where our friend @galenkp, leaves several suggestions and I want to do them all. I couldn't stop smiling when I read the third and fourth suggestions. It almost makes me want to say at once what I want to say to that person, but why wait until the plane is about to crash. I'd better tell him at once what I want to say ha,ha,ha

I have been tempted by this option of making a call and letting go of moments that were very hard, and I thought they were already forgotten. It's amazing that just reading filled me with courage and I was about to unburden myself in a cruel way

I'd better leave that in the past and go to answer the other suggestion:

Would you have sex for money to feed your family if they were starving? Answer and explain

No, since they would starve to death anyway, I don't have much grace or motivation for that ha,ha,ha,ha

Of course, if they pay me first they can buy something for a single day, because when they see that I am not very active with this exercise I will be in debt

Poor my family will starve to death. I hope they can continue to benefit from my help with the way I do it, which is not that I earn a lot either, but I feel happy, the way I help them is with quail breeding, my pension and writing in #hive. The last one is not that I earn a lot, but I earn is emotional stability, recreation and it is also my best company

Thank you for bringing this great weekend alternative every week. The main image is my own with Photo Collage- Art. Translator DeepL and my signature with Canva application

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