Reunion Saturday with my friend Roxi


Hello friends, I hope you have had a nice weekend in the company of family or friends. On Saturday I met my friend Roxi again, we had not seen each other physically for 3 years, between pandemic and responsibilities, we were postponing it, until this Saturday we decided not to postpone it anymore. I love keeping the friendships that I have forged in my walk through life and you always have to stop and spend time with them, because family and friends are the people that fill our souls.

My friend needs a lot, to go out and talk, to do something different, she lives with her mother who is elderly, she can hardly do anything and she always has a lot of work, she is a very dedicated daughter. Luckily, a sister of hers who lives in another province is at her house for a few days and stayed to look after her so she could take the day off and clear her head a bit. Roxi is a very good daughter, mother and friend, so even though I was not feeling very well (I had digestive problems) I went to her appointment because I know it was important to her.


She lives in Alamar, a municipality very far from the city center, so we agreed to meet at Parque Fe del Valle near the Capitol, right next to the Boulevard, it is actually a meeting place here in Havana.
We were so happy to see each other, we couldn't stop talking Hahahaha. We went to a bar-cafeteria called D´Next that is located at Tenienterrey No.512 between Monserrate and Bernaza, in Old Havana, it is a very clean, super comfortable and beautiful place, it is very well decorated, with a super good service. You can't smoke because it has air conditioning, something I liked a lot because my friend smokes a lot and I don't hahahahaha.


We spent some time talking mainly about our children, I am the godmother of his daughter, a very pretty 16-year-old girl. We ordered lemon soda (Sprite), because I didn't feel well in my stomach and in reality the most we wanted was to talk and update ourselves. Ahh the menu is offered to us digitally at each table there is a support with a QR code and it is scanned with the phone and the menu appears on the phone, I think that idea is very original.


Then we ordered vegetable salads, my dish was called Verano and it was chicken breast, serrano ham and cheese, but the most abundant was cabbage, lettuce, tomato and cucumber, well it was a huge plate haha. My friend's dish was called Delirio and included the same vegetables as mine, but it only had Serrano ham and Parmesan cheese. Roxi ordered ice cream for dessert, it looked delicious but I couldn't, I barely ate the salad. sorry now hahaha



The place was initially quite empty but it filled up and in the end it was completely full and it is a large space. We sat at the bar for a moment to order a wine but then I prefer not to drink anything and my friend wasn't excited either, the truth is we couldn't stop talking, it was very good to be together and we planned another outing but with more time and with our partner and children.


It was already past 4:00 pm when we left, we walked nearby in a small park that sells some pet supplies, not even a friend bought a collar for her puppy, I accompanied her until she took a taxi to distant Alamar and I went home. We had a great time and I also tried to talk about fun things all the time, I wanted him to feel good, I have very good friends and I like to take care of them and keep them. He is a very good person with a very good heart. I hope to meet again soon.

Well friends I hope you had a good weekend, I wish you a nice week. See ya.


The photos were taken with my Huawei P20 lite phone, joined with Power point
I used Google Translate

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