All about this weekend [W.E 187]

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope so you all are fine and happy 😀

It's Saturday night here, and my plans for this weekend are nothing special because the special thing is that I'm already with my family this weekend. And it's lovely to spend a weekend with them. Or spend time with them.

Girls used to put henna on their hand here in Pakistan, don't know if it's common too in your city. My mom continue to said me that i should put henna on hand too as I'm not fan of putting it on my hands but sometimes I've to do for her happiness.

So finally, yesterday night i asked my sister to print a simple design of henna on my hand, and believe me it's so cold that my hand feels like there's no blood circulation in it as i feel cold. But i wash my hand after 15 minutes and then i feel better.

Tonight we decided to eat pizza, and we ordered one Large and one medium pizza as it's enough for us, we change the flavour and restaurant too but it's taste was good too. And it's price was also reasonable and we paid only 2500 PKR for both pizza.

But as it's winter, so we don't drink coke with it and after eating pizza i made tea, it's milk tea which is famous drink here especially in winter's. And we've gas problem here so i made it on gas cylinder but it's the necessary to take it at that time.

That's all what i did this weekend and it's also something special for me too and it's also my entry to this #weekend-engagement topic.

Thank you for your time and support 💫🤍

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