WEEK 164. It will not be easy, I will have to go back to the past.

Images of my property, photos were taken from a market of vegetables and greens

I invite you to participate in the proposals made by @galenkp. Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 164 Excellent topics for a weekend. To make a description of me, it will not be easy, I will have to go back to the past.


Describing myself is usually very complicated, especially if I have to make a description in front of a stranger, for nothing I would like to seem, I affirm that I do not want to seem pretentious if I have to make an interesting description of myself.

I will start by imagining that at the moment of writing this description, it is because I am flying on that plane, with the difference that I will be riding on the blockchain plane, I know it will be a pleasant trip.

Something that I can moderately consider interesting about me, is that I work since I was 11 years old, I can proudly say that makes me feel very good, I am not ashamed to say it, since I was very young I started working in a market selling vegetables, legumes, vegetables, at first like any child, I did not understand why I had to do it knowing that I was a child of 11 years, but after having my first payment and with that I could buy my first shoes with my first salary, that, changed my way of seeing life, from that moment I began to value honest work.

I am not sure if it can be interesting, but for me, I think it is, since I got married more than 23 years ago, I have always collaborated with many household chores, that does not make me less of a man, not at all, I think it helps me a lot in strengthening my relationship with my beloved wife, in those 23 years since we are married, one of my main tasks which I do with much love, is to prepare breakfast for everyone in my home, is to prepare breakfast for everyone in my home, when I say everyone I mean my two daughters, my wife and of course for me, I do that every day, of course with some exceptions, which are when we are visiting the town where my wife's parents live or when we go to the town where my mom lives, one of the favorite breakfasts of my wife and my daughters is the sweet arepa with grated cheese.

This is a picture of the sweet arepa with cheese.

I will talk about something interesting that very few know, well now all of you, I am sure you have heard sometime about the martial art that is known as Taekwondo, also Karate and Kendo, those three arts I learned very well, from taekwondo I learned self defense from karate, but I just wanted to learn the art of nunchucks after understanding and how to handle very well the nunchucks I dabbled a little about kendo there I also did it to learn as best as possible the art of using the katana or Kenjutsu is the art of combat with swords, I tried very hard in those three branches, I just wanted to learn more about those skills, however, all that learning has a background, when I was a child I was always very short, as always the bigger or taller children sought to hit me I resisted the blows until I could not stand.

Once I listened to my grandfather, he told me, in front of bullying what you have to do is defend yourself, after my grandfather said that I looked for a way to learn taekwondo as a base to be able to defend myself from bullies, after I learned very well, and after I was able to defend myself the first time, the bullies never messed with me again.

My katana and nunchucks

I wanted to continue studying other martial arts, that's why I also made an effort to master the nunchucks and the katana, I still keep my chacos that I won in an exhibition competition and also my katana that I won in another exhibition competition, my two daughters already know a lot about self-defense, they still need to master the nunchucks, they are currently learning a little kenjutsu.


Just dedicate yourself to be happy in every second. To be happy you just have to make your own decision.


"Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"

“Enjoy the day and don't rely on tomorrow.”

This phrase - by the Roman poet Horace

"Constantly evolving, the world is mine."

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