I'm Your Captain...

Tho I'm Feeling Mighty Sick

The topic is about hurting yourself. I did not set out in the trucking industry to do harm to myself or others. The gypsy life was provocative and alluring. Exciting and mysterious. I never realized what it would rob me of. How it would in fact... "cause me harm."

31 years at the helm of a land locked vessel hauling dry goods across the formerly united states of america.

The harm has been in many forms, from the loss of home time and friends long gone. An almost non existent home life. A truckers widow for a wife. She deserves so much better. The horrible health factor of a seditary life style. The harm others have done to me while I drive my life away. From thugs mugging me to a suicidal drunk targeting me. Mother Nature kicking my ass in every form of bad weather event you could imagine. Momma nature is an angry bitch and she just tried to drown me.

Life in a Truckin' Fish Bowl

This last week I have literally been taking on water and becoming a sinking ship.

A few year ago I had a windshield replacement done on the Ship that I captain. A ship my bro @galenkp gave the name "The Prime Mover". That is a fitting name for the truck I drive. I wear it with pride.
When the windshield job was done and driving it thru the very next rain event. It rained both inside and outside of the truck. It was not much of a leak. I decided to throw a towel upon the dashboard during the heavy rain events to catch the slight drippings. Knowing that eventually a stone would find it's target of my windshield and I could have the leak issue addressed at the next replacement.

Pookyville Cat Ranch Aquarium

So here we are today with a water issue. Water and electronics as you all know do not mix.

A week ago Friday at 7 am in Tallahassee FLA I pulled up on the street in front of my delivery destination. An HVAC vendor whrs. Called Tropic Supply. Just then a severe storm hit. In the next 10 minutes several trees within yards of my truck would snap off like twigs and I would nearly be thrown from the drivers seat. I bet a few of my 18 wheels left the ground. It almost tipped the truck over. The 17,000 lbs of AC units I had in the box trailer I pull probably kept me from toppling over. This was some of the heaviest most violent rain I have been in. And we are talking 31 years and nearly 4 million miles worth of rainy weather here.

Needless to say the delivery would not be made. The capital city of Florida was in a state if emergency with 3 tornadoes touching down in it's two counties. Two of them were F2 in strength. A nearby trucking company called RL Carriers was damaged with multiple trucks and trailer flipped. And a roof half torn off of the building.

Radar Screenshots of Fridays Storms


News Report about the Storm

I am the black spot in the red circle


When it Rains it Pours

So upon my redelivery to the storm ravaged Tropic Supply whrs in Tallahassee the following Monday morning. Things went slowly but smoothly. As the unloader was finishing up and signing my P.O.D. BOL's. (Bills of Lading also known as Proof of Delivery papers) he commented on more storms are coming. As I was leaving I punched up the radar and I shit you not. Another band on the radar looking just like the Friday before.

Radar Screenshot of Mondays Storms


I had to drive headlong into this rain event. While doing so during the heaviest of it I slowed to about 50 mph as I was empty and even with my very good tread depth. All 10 on the prime above 50%. These big monsters will hydro-plane if the water is deep enough. Just as I hit a virtuall river of run off flowing across the 4 lane roadway another "Super 💪 Trucker" pulling a stick of dynamite. 🧨 That is a tanker of flammables. Went roaring past me at the speed limit of 70 mph. Way to fast for the almost zero visiblility of the torrential downpour. Well my driverside window was down only a couple inches. But the wave of water and the velocity of it was as if someone turned a fire hose on me for a few seconds. It about blew the glasses off my face. Sent Sammi Jo scrambling as even she got drenched on the passangers side of the floorboards where she hides when it rains. I was fucking soaked. Amazing that it did not wreck us. I grabbed for a towel and sopped up the water as best I could. It was running off of me and the dashboard both.

Life is Like a Slippy Slide Water Ride

The very next day Tuesday as I made my way towards North Carolina to deliver Tuesday evenings Food Lion Coolers. I smelled burning wires. I quickly ducked into a travel plaza and parked in the back row away from others in case of fire. I got the cat carriers ready for my hastily prepared exit of the vehicle. There was no visible smoke. But the burning wire electrical fire smell was nauseating. It cleared a little and I noticed all my dashboard gauges were not working. No speedo/tach/pressures/etc. The info readout was scrolling wildly and by the end of the day would be in spanish. "No Comprende" "Yo Kero Taco Bell?"

I made the round with the annoying burnt smell. No gauges. And today just over a week later finds me exhausted/stressed/mentally fried just like my Prime Mover. Two days of repairs. I found the needle in the haystack. The hot spot. Total dahboard removal, cleanup and re-install. Not something I ever want to do again. I also found and fixed an air leak. The drivers side power window now rolls all the way up again. No more tidal wave fire hose to the side of this KrazzyTrukker's head.!!

Fotos below of the water filled gauge that caused the electrical fire that almost happened. I am scratching my head as I assume there would be a breaker or fuse that should have failed to prevent this?

We Are Spartans


Someone I admire and look up to referred to us as Spartans. People who push through adversity. Conquering what life throws at us.

True Story...

He's my Captain

Thanks for stopping by the #weekend-engagement to go skinny dippin' in the water with me and the cat family

Keep on KrazzyTruckin'

Ongoing Kitten Rescue week 5

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