Weekend on a sketch

Greetings People!🙌

My weekend was a sweet one with a little touch of stress, but all the same, I so much enjoyed it because I was able to leave my regular seat and table (I seldom leave my office or room).
In this article, I would love to focus on Sunday alone. Let's go.

Early morning work

On Saturday night, I and some guys went to supply 2,000 plastic chairs to an event. We couldn't recover everything on that Saturday's night, so we went there very early on Sunday morning to carry them because the longer they stay in the open field, the more they attract theft...We were not ready to take such a risk.

this is me carrying chair

We went there as early as 5:00 a.m. with two vans. We had issues getting fuel because fuel stations were yet to open at that early hour. Even the roadside traders were not available, so we had to go and knock on the doors of these people to get fuel.

*The Van heading home

We finished the process around 9:00 a.m., and because it's a faraway Community, we spent long hours on the road.

Off to church

Time was around 9:00 a.m., and I was already late for church. My church has two services: 7:00 a.m. for the first service and 9:00 a.m. for the second service.

Time being at 9:00 a.m. shows that I was already late because there's no way I would get prepared in a minute.
When I got home from the chair packing work, I quickly took my bath, put on Generator, and ironed my clothes. I dressed up and headed straight to the main road to get a motorcycle.

Stopping bike

Luckily, I got a bike in a jiffy and moved to church.

People were very much in church, and it toughened our work as ushers, which made us stand all through the service.

Photo time

I'm very good and well-versed in photography, so when the church service ended, some friends lined up, beckoning me to take a photo of them.

Taking photos

Since It's what I enjoy doing so much, I grabbed the iPhone and gave them some good shots, and they loved it. You need to see how I positioned myself to take the photos.

Party Time

One of our unit members did child dedication, and as custom is, a party mainly of item 7 will follow up.

After the church service, we headed straight to the venue. The place was WOW, well decorated, and a live band was hired to spark up the air with some jams.

We Identified a canopy tagged "Ushering unit" and settled there. We were served soft drinks, rice with fried beef. We enjoyed ourselves, and after the feeding, we went for a dance dance dance and sprayed money too.


Resting at home.
I got home around 3:00 p.m. so tired, I jumped into sleep and when I woke up, I heard my stomach talking to me to feed it. I got up, went to market, got some food items and prepared a delicious okro soup with goat meat. You can come and have a taste, it's still remaining😄

made with paper and pen*

Thank you for reading.

This is my response to the Week 159 prompt in the Weekend Experiences Community.

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