My weekend belongs to my children // Weekend-Engagement Topic 75

The weekend is probably the most awaited time of the week. That's when all the fatigue from work and study is put aside, making room for plans and happy moments with family and friends. To me, every day is precious, but the weekend is always the time I cherish the most. It is a meaningful time that I want to spend with my children.


As usual, every Sunday, my kids and I get up at 5:30 a.m. and head to the front yard of our home to enjoy the fresh, pleasant, and soothing atmosphere. No more rushing to race against time as every day of the week. We take in the beauty around us. We drink in the color of sunrise, revel in the sound of birds singing, cherish the gentle touch of a breeze, and revel in the changing leaves. Those were beautiful Sunday mornings. It's amazing how just a few minutes can feel so valuable.


After viewing the spectacular dawn from the veranda, we headed to the market together to buy fresh ingredients to cook the dishes that the kids like the most. The kids love the food I cook, but I don't have much time to do it often. Only weekends are the times when I can wholeheartedly cook the best food for the kids. That's why every dish I make contains a lot of passion and love.


Eating delicious food is also a source of happiness for kids. Unfortunately, I can't give them this little happiness regularly.

In the afternoon on Sunday, I usually take my children to visit their grandparents. Their house is not far from mine. But for work reasons, I can't come to their home every day. I can only visit them once a week, sometimes twice a month, on weekends. My father is living alone in this house with my grandma. My mother works far away, only comes home a couple of times a year, and I rarely see her. Every day, my father just befriended the garden, so the presence of my kids every weekend is a great joy for him. The kids would cling to him all afternoon while he tended to the garden and hens behind the home.



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After returning from grandparents' house, we will have dinner, and then my kids will have to prepare their homework for tomorrow, continuing the journey of a new week.


For my kids, a long trip with their parents is a luxury. My husband is a soldier, so we only see each other a few times a year and rarely get to see each other on weekends, so he can't take the kids where they want to go. They are quite disadvantaged children. That's why I love them so much and always spend all my weekends with them, taking care of them and doing the things they enjoy.


My weekends are just that, very ordinary and nothing special. Just moments of peace with my children. Just a few minutes, but very precious.

For most parents, there is no greater gift than being able to spend time with their children. That's what I want more than anything. I wish I had more than one Sunday of the week to be able to play and explore everything around with my kids, watch them grow, and teach them many things.
Work, all for the sake of work, for a living. I have a full-time job, Monday through Friday. All the pressure from this job takes up two-thirds of my time and mind. My kids did not receive attentive parenting from both parents. But, thanks to the weekend, I could partially make up for their lack of affection. So I treasured every second I spent with them. And my Weekends will always be like that. With a schedule that is always available, a love that is always full, it will be a perfect day for the children.
Sometimes we don't need to go far, and we don't need parties in luxury restaurants, on the weekends, only to be with our loved ones, to see them every moment, in every smile. It's enough to feel happy.



Thanks for the weekend topics of @galenkp. Surely everyone has interesting experiences on the weekend to share here. I'll try to take the time to read everyone's stories. Thank you for reading my post. Wishing everyone a weekend filled with joy and happiness.


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