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The journey from Tamale to Bolgatanga.

On the 6th of May my family and I took a trip to bolga in the upper east region of Ghana to visit my brother. The journey is three hours from Tamale, the northern region. The day before the journey, my mom came in my room, went through my wardrobe and selected the dress I would wear. Yeah my mom still treats me like that🤦‍♀️. I then ironed and hanged them. At around 5am in the morning, my mom woke me up to pray and bath. My dad had said we would leave the house at 6am. Hence my mom was giving me pressure to be ready on time. I finished dressing up and taking my breakfast at around 5:57am waiting for my uncle to come and we will go. This is actually the second time traveling with my dad. The first time was to the savanna region, a community known Yeji. That’s where his father lived. We were attending my grandfather’s funeral.

Two hours passed by and my uncle hadn’t come yet. My dad had to call him to find out why and he said he overslept but he’s on his way coming. I wished I had slept a bit too😔. After 30mins, he came for us to go.


Getting ready to leave

We were five people in the car. My three uncles and my dad. I was in the middle seat. I hate middle seat especially through a journey. But I had no choice since I am the youngest and only female. They were having adults conversations through the journey and talking about their childhood.

I took my airpods and continued watching my movie. Season two of Sweet tooth was released on 27/04/2023. The movie is about hybrids. Hybrids in the movie meant, humans in animal form.


After an hour journey we stopped by to purchase fuel. The first fuel station didn’t have fuel so we moved further.

On our way, we stopped at almost every community. My uncle is a big Iman and very popular. He’s very kind too. Works with the arabians to build mosques all over Ghana. So he travels a lot. We got to his former secondary school which is Wulugu secondary school. He stopped at the entrance and called out to an old woman, “Mma lu” and gave her money. He was telling us the story about how the woman used to help them during their school time with food.


We were about an hour to reach to our destination and my phone battery was getting low so I paused the movie to listen to music to prevent the battery from draining faster.

Before we went to visit my big brother, My uncle scheduled a meeting to some people who are asking my uncle to aid them build a mosque for their community. It was a 30mins journey from the town. We met them and took pictures of the place to forward to the Arabians for approval to start the project.




From there, we went to my big brother’s place. It was fun, filled with laughter and stories. We decided to pray the obligatory prayers before we left. I also got the chance to put my phone on charge and went for fufu (pounded yam) hunt. I got a chop bar near by. The food wasn’t really nice. The soup looked diluted, very light and there was only one meat left. I had no choice but to take as it since I was starving. I couldn’t get a picture of it since my phone was on charged.
After eating, it was a farewell time for my brother. We all said our goodbyes and took off.





We stopped by to buy bread, the almighty “alanya” bread. If you travel to bolga and you don’t buy this bread, then you didn’t go to bolga.


At exactly 4:08pm we took off. My uncle was speeding because he didn’t want to it be dark before we reach Tamale.


My head was aching because I didn’t get enough rest. I am not able to sleep during a journey. I get car sick. As soon as I got home and took supper. I went to bed straight.