Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 150. DESIRE


Hi, friend.

I would love to tell you something incredible, even tell you about the desire that xsubton for another person, but the reality is that nothing that is happening in my life right now. All my desire is quite common and nothing extraordinary, it is focused on one thing: stability for my daughter and me.

At this moment I am going through a divorce so terrible and complex that it deserves a separate publication. During my marriage I lost absolutely everything I had materially, I was also on the verge of losing my mind but thanks to a couple of friends, therapy and the love of my daughter I lived to tell about it.

Going through hell alone, with a month-old baby, practically alone, is definitely for the brave, for this reason, all the objects of my desire at this stage of my stable life are related to having an income, living in a country in crisis, being a mother Single, working in an honest public university with the lowest salary in Latin America, it is without a doubt difficult and very uphill.

It seems that everything is very negative and although there was certainly a period of total darkness where he could not see any way out and each time I sank a little deeper into the Swamp of Sadness, to quote "The Neverending Story". It is also true that now I face life and circumstances in a different way, I have decided to work tirelessly doing anything, from cleaning houses, taking care of children, walking dogs, giving private classes, going to second-hand markets, among many other things. , in addition to never abandoning university teaching.

Now my little daughter and I find ourselves living in the house of a relative, which I am very grateful for but it is not exactly a very comfortable situation. So a place just for the two of us is also something I really want. In the end there are always things that we take for granted, that we will never lack, but the day they are not there the world turns upside down, many things lose their meaning, they are such elementary things, basic rights, for which I work every day so that they go from being objects of desire to having them in my reality.

Thank you for joining me, visiting my blog, reading and supporting me. Have a wonderful day filled with lots of success and good energy!

Photo information
Author: @Karbea
Camera and editing: Samsung Galaxy A20
Location: Margarita Island, Venezuela
English translation with Google Translator

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