My Ideal Saturday Night: Showcasing Fashion and Building Connections {week 205}

Mostly on Saturday night, you will often find me in my best element and i love every moments during Saturday nights because i always go out and always get invited to different events and i used that as an opportunity to showcase my passion for fashion design in a way that’s both enjoyable and profitable. I always look forward to every saturday nights and for me, there's no better way to spend the evening than by flaunting and showing the world my carefully crafted clothing creations that i took the whole week to design and with the help if my friends we make sure it comes out looking well good.

My Saturday nights are dedicated and fully indulged into presenting my designs to audience and most of the time, it’s usually a trendy nightclub in lagos because it is always filled with beautiful girls that love fashions and sometimes i visit some affordable restaurants where i feel people are open to new experiences of trying new designs and appreciate creativity. These kind of settings provide the perfect platform for me to showcase my unique style and attract potential clients who are eager to make a fashion statement of their own.

The picture above was the fashion design i wore to a restaurant at night and luckily for me, i got to meet 2 different clients that were interested in the clothes and we discussed the price and booked an appointment for measurements and within 2 weeks and now she is a regular customer.

Apart from meeting potential clients on saturday night outing, it also gives me opportunity to meet and connect with like minded individuals who share my passion for fashion especially when it's occasions where there's a conference where fashion designers usually attend and i get to meet people that are well established and those tgatvare just starting their fashion designer career. Most of the times, i usually start up conversation with a fellow designer, and i make sure i exchange my style tips with them and in return i also get tips from them and also some advice that ensure taht I don't repeat their own mistakes when they started their journey.

This was what i wore to the last conference i went and i received a lot of compliments on my design and how i could manipulate a dress into different designs and people will think it's different dress. They also appreciate the way my dress shape elegantly on myself and bringing out the details.

Of course, the thrill of the chase is also a factor in my Saturday night adventures. There’s a certain satisfaction that comes from knowing that my designs have captured the attention of potential buyers and have made a desire into making them want to have a piece of what i wore. And the amazing things taht surprise me is that some people mostly ladies will make spontaneous purchase made on the spot and all they ask is for my Instagram page and they believe me instantly but they always follow up after which the transcation has been made. There was this particular dress taht was purchased instantly from a lady i meet at a night club after i introduced what i do and i showed her the evidence that it was made by me when she saw me wearing it in a picture. This is the picture

In the end, my favorite way to spend a Saturday night isn’t just about showcasing my fashion designs, it's also about making connections, picking up inspirations from people doing well and turning passion into profit and doing this while enjoying myself to the fullest and having fun. It’s a fulfilling pursuit in my life because it allows me to express my creatively and the end goal of this is to build a fashion design business that would make me experience financial freedom. So the next time you’re out on a Saturday night and you spot someone rocking a outfit or dress that catches your attention, don’t be afraid to start up a conversation, you never know where it might lead and it might just be me also because the world is small.

Thanks for reading 🩷🩷🩷🩷✨✨✨✨

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