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Good rest amounts to Greater Productivity

Hello guys, the weekend is here again and you know what that means, well to me it's for resting, at least 60%of the time for the good of my sanity.Everyone is into one thing or the other, either your an employee or an employer, a boss or steward which ever place you find yourself, if you want to be the best, you have to give your best, put in the efforts, that's the price one has to pay. Come to think of it, is that all the price one has to pay to get to the top? Some may argue that it is, but to me it isn't, there's still one more price to pay, not to anyone or anything but to yourself and that is **REST**.

There are a lot of added benefits of this simple activity known as rest. You get revived. Now picture yourself in our working place on a very busy working day, say Monday for instance. You've worked for all day with no time to tale a break how do you think that'll turn out to be? Now think of yourself in the same scenery but with the added benefits of rest, at least 10mins. Which of these two will turn out to be better? To me it's the second because he had take a little rest. That 'Little' rest can give you the energy you need to carry on for the day.

We stop and reflect in our resting period. If you avoid this simple tool as a business person, well, you may be on your way to doom. Successful people review their days work, to know what they've done right or wrong and know how to overcome their weakness. You'll hardly do this in the middle of a tight and busy schedule with no time for rest.

Rest has psychological as well as physical benefits, make the most out of it appropriately.

Thanks and have a wonderful weekend.