RE: My home

The natural and peaceful nature is our basic home.

In many places we are starting to plant concrete terraces for reasons of modern living and displacing villages. The hustle and bustle of urban life mercilessly displaces peace.

For those who were born in the village and then migrated to the city for reasons of prosperity, they always harbored longing, but were bound by reasons of income sources in urban areas that tied their feet not to be able to return.

Every time I hear the peace of rural life, the longing always peaks and wants to come back, even if only for a moment to pick up the longing.

For people who have been born and lived in the village, always feel the "sense of belonging" as you feel. I also feel a "sense of belonging". All the villagers who went from there, also felt that "sense of belonging". A sense of belonging about peace and quiet, seclusion and nature.
You are absolutely right, Mr @galenkp.

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