2023 to win postgraduate study scholarships abroad

Hi Hive Lovers

Education is a valuable investment; it will be useful for the rest of your life. The competence and knowledge you gain are the best investments you have, and they will never be lost.

This article will serve as an illustration for all of us that the goal of getting a higher education must always be fought for by someone. A goal must be set for you to focus on, and you must develop a plan to achieve the goal you have set.

It is basic management science, and Mr. @galenkp has very wisely raised one of these themes in the Week-Engagement Challenge (Week 134, New Year Edition).

My goal is a postgraduate college scholarship.

That has been my dream since 2020. I have had the desire to continue my postgraduate education abroad, and until the end of 2022, I have not achieved it.

It's great that in a few days we will enter the new year. It means that you have to achieve something that year, and that scholarship is my big goal for the new year, 2023!

Looking back

It was a year where I was really excited to continue my graduate program. But my boss advised me to postpone it because I would be placed in a newly formed work unit.

He had said they needed me there, and I had to listen to him in order to run my new place of work. They really, really need me there. I can't refuse it.

The busyness of a newly formed work unit is very energy draining; it's like raising a small baby. You have to teach and supervise them until they are able to stand on their own two feet and are able to run.

This made me unable to prepare myself to take my IELTS test. It is a test to measure your English proficiency and is a prerequisite before you study abroad.

I've been transferred back to an established work unit close to the capital, where I live. So that I can divide my attention between work and studying for the IELTS test.

At the time of the announcement of the test results, I was declared not to have met the IELTS score scale band. I have to bury my ideals, but not too deeply.

Looking ahead

This new year is a year full of hope for many people to achieve their big goals. This year will be a great year to continue my postgraduate education overseas, including for me.

So, in 2023, I have to really prepare myself well, and I can only do that if I'm serious about preparing to achieve my big goal. I have to fix some of my weaknesses on the IELTS test. I can definitely do it, and it sure works.

The Action Plan won the scholarship.

Take an English course again.

I am not someone who has mastered English well, and my environment has not supported me in using English in daily conversation. So, if you find some mistakes in my posts, I think you'll be very sorry.

The plan to take this English course will really help me to be able to communicate well in English. I will take the "speaking and listening program" for 3 months. These two programs will help me in my daily life while living temporarily abroad.

I have enrolled in one of the English courses recommended by a friend, and my English course will start in the second week of January. Later, after completing my 3-month "Speaking and Listening" program course, in the following month I will immediately continue my IELTS preparation course.

Take an IELTS preparation course.

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System.

Wikipedia explains that IELTS is a place to take a test to measure English proficiency and is jointly organized by the University of Cambridge, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia.

For those interested in postgraduate programs who do not use English as their mother tongue, an IELTS score with a band scale in the range of 7.0–7.5 is required. It depends on which university they will go to later.

There are many IELTS preparation courses in my city, but I will take online classes later, and the study schedule is outside my working hours, so I have to be able to attend from home.

That will keep my time with my family fulfilled; they will still be my priority.

Determine the country of study destination.

I have set three destination countries for my graduate program education, namely the USA, England, or Australia. There are many well-known universities in the three countries.

Hopefully, by fulfilling my IELTS band scale later, I can be accepted at one of the universities in the three countries.

When opportunity and desire meet in the new year

The place where I work really encourages performance improvement, and they provide opportunities for their employees to continue their education and even opportunities to study abroad.

The rules regarding the assignment of study permits for employees where I work say that they can only be given to employees who have certain qualifications, including good behavior, commitment, and loyalty to work, as well as several performance achievements over the past two years.

The good news is that I am one of the employees who meets their criteria to continue their postgraduate education, and the full support from my place of work is a blessing.

Please support me so that by 2023, my big goal will be realized.

Happy New Year!

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