[WE101] : When my time stops

While writing this prompt, i felt elevated and wished i could just keep writing. I have always remembered this day, but the thought of really going back there and staying there hasn't come to my mind. However i think writing this has just brought back the memory and have kept me there for a while or i guess so. However, here is the question, I am responding to.

If you had the ability to stop time (and remain there) which year, moment, event or era would you choose, and why?

We all have a lot of things we wish for to happen. I am certain if a lot of us have supernatural powers, we would get some things we have envisioned done really quickly. Oh well, I guess life makes us get and do whatever we want in our imaginations. That is the power of imagination.

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So here i am,listening to my imagination telling me that I can have the supernatural power to stop time. Yes, I want to go back to my past and stop the time there. I want to just be there for the rest of my life. And that day would be on the 22nd of January, 2022 at 8:15am.

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This day is the most treasured day in my life. A day the universe blessed me with a princess. A day I was called a mother. The joy that filled me up when I saw my little princess is indescribable. Only a mother knows that feeling and can understand better.

I recall vividly how I fell into labour the night before. Another experience to talk about because I didn't fall naturally. I was induced. A hard and painful one it was for me. I was in intense pain for 7 hours. Mine was terrible because i was hyper contracting due to the drug that was given to me. The injection i was given to cool things a bit was futile as i didn't see any difference at all. But all of that pain and discomfort vanished just in a twinkle of an eye when I saw my daughter.

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I miss that day and wish I could just go back to that day and just freeze it forever. I stared at her all through the time the nurses were cleaning me up. I couldn't help but wonder how lucky I was to have birthed an angel. She was so peaceful and beautiful.

After cleaning me up,we were both taken to my bed and guess what I did? I kissed her for almost 5 minutes. In fact one of the nurses laughed at me that day. She told me that it was a normal experience for a new mum.

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I remember staring at her while she was sleeping that night. It did feel like a dream to me. A dream that I wasn't ready to wake up from. That day will forever be memorable to me. A beautiful and special day it is to me.

Writing this has brought back that special moment. Super grateful to @galenkp for making me write this today.


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