Hello friends who enjoy a good bottle of wine, let's enjoy this post in style, grab your best glass and open the best wine, enjoy it in moderation.

Talking about wine is easy, I am a connoisseur and taster, whenever possible, my lunch is accompanied by a good glass of wine. I'm not an oenophile, but I like to evaluate the sweetness, acidity, alcohol and bitterness of each bottle I taste.

There is no specific wine that I select to drink, I like to taste the varieties that exist on the market. Among red, white, sparkling, rosé and fortified wines, the only one that I drink less frequently is the dry type, I know that their glucose content is lower, but I like to feel the sweetness of the wine on my palate, so , i opt for the soft ones, but I don't rule out the dry ones, they are just a second option.

One thing I don't lack in my house are beers and wines, I always have some in storage. Regarding wines, it may seem like a legend to some, but the older the bottle, the better its flavor. I already paid a lot for an old bottle, today I avoid these exaggerations.

One thing that causes disagreement among wine lovers is how we should drink them, some say that wine was made to drink naturally, while others enjoy a good cold bottle of wine. In my experience, both options are correct, however, you need to know the wines, there are brands that taste better fresh, however, there are others whose flavor is more evident when it is cold. "It's something very relative and depends on the palate of whoever appreciates it, I have bottles for both situations"

Wine also goes well with a beautiful romantic dinner, it has a special flavor that makes the moment unique, it could be any drink, but wine has something that enhances the moment. "Anyway, wine is wine."

The only negative point related to wine is the hangover for people who overdo it, I can say with conviction that it is a terrible thing. "Drink in moderation."

I've already drunk countless bottles of wine, but unfortunately I have few photos to post, I selected some from those I have on my cell phone. If you've never drunk a good wine, don't miss the opportunity, it's even recommended by doctors, it protects our heart and contributes to a long life, everything we need for our future.

See you in the next post.

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