Hello HIVE friends!

It's no secret that I like to enjoy my weekends, i even make a point of spending them away from home, in most cases, outdoors. You can ask me: Don't you like your home? I love it, it's my everything, however, weekends are that refuge for a breather for the soul and body. You need to replenish the vigor and energy lost in the week's upheavals. Simply put, you need to escape your bubble.

This weekend will be one more day special, as I have two places planned to visit: Saturday will be on a beach in Paraíba (Barra de Camaratuba) and Sunday will be in a camping area, which by the way has a beautiful lagoon.


It is said that the sea waters expel impurities from the body, I also believe that, but I want to enjoy every inch of the beach: feeling the sand on our feet brings a feeling of comfort and gives us the desire to want to play football, something I intend to do. **“I haven't played football for almost 2 months, I get excited just watching others play.” **

A friend told me that there are competitions with horses on this beach, eager to find out what it will be like. Finally, i want to dive several times in this beautiful sea, so that it takes away the negative thoughts and all impurities that are present in the soul and body, I wish to reestablish my thoughts for the following week's journey.

Bottle catching competition with the horse.

The beach is full of surprises.


Talking to co-workers, I discovered that there is a camping area in the city of Solânea in Paraíba, I didn't think twice, I want to visit it. Once again we formed a tour group and booked the place for this Sunday. They say the place has a beautiful lagoon among the wild trees. This will be my rest day, I want to spend hours looking at the water and its surroundings. "I want to become one with nature."

After these moments, I will be sure that my weekend will be perfect.


Your home is your kingdom, but it is something that you already visualize all the time. I find it difficult to replenish or renew energy in an environment where you already have quirks, often when we get home we act automatically. Human beings want to escape this, they need it, you go crazy if your reality is always the same, a sedentary lifestyle is a serious problem, escape from it and your quality of life will be better.

Weekend: escape your bubble.

OBSERVATION: There are those who will say, I don't have money to travel, I have nowhere to go, I don't know what to do. For these people, I say that the system has already beaten them, because we are the owners of our wills and decisions and a simple walk in the park, in the square, in the center will make all the difference. You don't need a lot of capital for this.

Be in control of your will, if the system beats you during the week, defeat it at the weekend.

I wish everyone a good weekend!

Images source: my cell phone and of cell phones of friends who travel with me.

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