My Break from the Grind

Colorful Playful Schoolkids Moment Photo Collage.jpg

Very wonderful weekend to all of us. I hope you are doing good right now and you may have an amazing weekend.

This past few days I am exhausted because there are too many school activities and the financial problem that our family is experiencing goes hand in hand. I feel like I was going to be burned out. If I were have a chance I would choose to go out and see the blowing breeze of the beach while drinking freshly picked coconut.



I remembered when me and my friends are too exhausted with school works we are going to the beach. We just sit their and have a deep talk conversation matching it with cool drinks and pizzas.


The second is too have a quite and abundance sleep. Because during Monday to Thursday I am literally waking up 4 am in the morning to prepare my things and so on. After that at exactly 5am I am ready to go to school. Because my school is far from us, I need to have a extra 2 hours travel time so I won’t be late. So I think this weekend I deserved a well sleep.



Lately, I have listened to a song titled "ere". I was amaze because the message of the song is fit with my love life career. The themes of the song is heartbreak, betrayal, and pain. I like the chorus part of the song line "Pinagmukha mo 'kong tanga" or “you made me look like a fool” this phrase is short but it has a painful meaning.

For example I am experiencing problem relationship but to her it's ok as if nothing wrong is happening, and this relationship feels like I am being alone and doesn't care about what will be happen.

But before I rant all my pains here , Today is Monday again,

I'm still tired but I need to stand up and do what I have to do. Monday is a little bit stress day but I will face this new week with full of smile and courage. I hope I can handle it today and in the following days. See yahh next time !

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