My youths weekend hangout talk on economy and possible business pursuits

I usually look forward to weekends due to the common stressful work within the week, and thus, compromising my weekends is something I do not appreciate, of course, unless it is a church service on Sunday or a wedding occasion for someone dear to me on Saturday. A week ago, I was invited by my former fellowship in church, the Fellowship of Young Christian Adults (FOYCA), that I graduated from about seven years ago. I felt honored to be invited to anchor a section of the program, especially as it bothered about earnings in Naira and dollars among youths. I was glad my schedule was light and the appointment was convenient for me.

After about two hours of fellowship, the hangout started, which was the event I was invited to anchor. I was glad to be in the midst of vibrant youths who hungered and thirsted for wealth creation as much as they enjoyed fellowship.

I started my discussion by asking if the participants would prefer to be paid N30,000 or $30, which, unknown to a few, has become similar. Naira to a dollar was less than N500 some 24 months ago, but as of yesterday, it had risen to N1, 045 to a dollar at the parallel market. I made them realize that if someone had huge capital and had saved money in dollars some years ago, they would be making significant profits, especially if the saved amount was huge compared to saving money in Naira, which would barely yield much profit.

The discussion continued to the causes of Naira depreciation, where the demand for the dollar was highlighted as the main cause, especially since the Central Bank of Nigeria is unable to meet demands, thus leading traders to patronize the parallel markets. The correlation of the dollar to crude oil exportation is due to the lack of a functional refinery in Nigeria and the subsequent importation of refined fuel at a huge cost, which further impacts the economy.

Beyond lamenting on the issues of Naira to dollar and crude oil influence, I made the discussion interactive, where people mentioned possible jobs they could engage in even as youths. These jobs ranged from information technology (IT) jobs to agriculture, drop shipping, dirty jobs, and also the need to acquire soft skills and packaging for businesses. It was interesting as, in addition, I was able to market Hive to them and disclose how impactful it has been to me in terms of writing, communication, and rewards.

My supposed 20-minute event eventually escalated to almost an hour as the audience kept enjoying every bit of the event. Other speakers were invited, and talks such as career, migration, and relationships were discussed. My inputs were much appreciated for the age range of eighteen to thirty years.

Though I spent roughly five hours with them in total, I enjoyed every bit, and the food served was equally delicious. You could see me right there gearing up to consume that delicacy laid before me. I left the event a little before eventually closing it to attend to a few other things, and this morning, I am joining the youths fellowship in church to celebrate their anniversary, which was the reason for the invite as a special guest.

This script is in response to the @galenkp weekend engagement on how our weekend has been.

Thank you for reading. I would love to have your comments and contributions.


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