If I had access to these three doors 🙇

The purpose of every lock is to prevent easy or direct access to the other side of the lock, just like a wall, but unlike the wall, there's something beneath the lock. Every lock has a key that unlocks it, and I have seen occasions where a particular key could open different locks. While I was in high school, we referred to keys that could open several locks as master keys. However, there are some locks that are unique and fortified based on the value of the substance behind them. Some locks are easy to open or destroy, and this could mean the items behind them are not valuable. If I had a key that could unlock any three locks of doors on this planet, take a ride with me to know which doors I would love to unlock.


A. Vault door
I know your mind first comes to money. Well, maybe and maybe not, but there's a high chance that whatever lies beyond the vault will be life-changing, either as money or as treasure. Since my access to the vault through a master key would mean I had free access to it, I would love to access the vault with the most valuable assets in the world. This would be life-changing, not for me alone but for those around me. Perhaps I could distribute enough that it would go around everyone (I doubt that though), but it would be a wonderful thing to experience affluence and abundance.

B. Eternal Life Door
Crazy right? If the world had a door that led to eternal life, it would not be bad to have access to it. However, I have a feeling that I may regret it later, but then it would be better than not having tried it at all. The world keeps unfolding, and sometimes we feel the world could be better or that some things should not be. Maybe if I had access to eternal life, I would see things I wish I had never seen. Now, there's a high chance that my access to the door of eternal life would bring with it good health and treasures; it would be beautiful to see different ages. Who says I have to enter eternal life alone? It'll be interesting to go with friends and family. Perhaps the balance of the world would be compromised by the too many people that would gain access to eternal life, but it'll be fun not to be there alone.

C. People's minds
This should not surprise you; rather, let it intrigue you. One gift we have is access to our own minds, which are vast and unending. However, what if I had access to people's minds? Just like knowing people's thoughts towards me or anything? This reminds me of the movie "What a Woman Wants, starring Mel Gibson. Would I want to access such a door? If there won't be commotion of thoughts running through my head, it would not be a bad idea to have such access. Perhaps I could sympathize with people through an understanding of their feelings or emotions or know when harm is being planned against me.

It seems all the doors I want to have access to may usurp the balance of the world, but then, would you blame me if I had such a master key? Perhaps your comment about doors to access would intrigue me also, or you could just participate in the POST to air your thoughts.

Thank you for reading.

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