A Weekend Treat and Yearly Dentist Visit

Happy Weekend! πŸ™ŒπŸ»βœ¨

How's 2024 treating you so far? 😁 Well, for me, the new year is spontaneously great. I hope it will stay that way! 😊 Let me share with you my visit to my dentist and a little errand to the mall.



I want to start 2024 with my yearly dentist visit. I know some personally who neglect and intentionally do not like their teeth to get checked up because they are scared of the tools. πŸ˜†

In the long run, you can save much more money because your dentist can fix your teeth before they get unfixable, which requires more money. I think good teeth and proper oral hygiene make you confident! 😊

I waited for at least 15 minutes before my dentist arrived. The waiting room was fully air-conditioned and I was starting to get sleepy just feeling the cold air in my face. πŸ₯± Good thing I have my phone that keeps me awake. After an hour, I got my teeth professionally cleaned and the dentist fixed some fillings. I also had an x-ray done for further monitoring of my wisdom teeth. yikes.πŸ₯²

Next is visiting the hair salon. My usual hairstylist is fully booked, so I opted for another salon just next door. David's Salon is popular here in the Philippines, but I feel like they are outdated with their techniques and tools. My mom always comes here and her friends are suki (regular customers).



Hair products for sale


The salon was also fully booked and I have not eaten yet for lunch. It is already 4 pm and my tummy cannot wait any longer. I canceled my booking and will just come back next week to fix my hair. I just want a trim and a cellophane treatment.


I was craving something cold and sweet, so an ice cream or frozen yogurt is a perfect treat. My gums were a bit throbbing, like a little beating, from cleaning so this was soothing for my gums, and a treat to myself too! 😁✨


I had a meet-up with some friends, so while I waited for them, I had to get my dessert in Llaollao, one of my favorite dessert stores. πŸ˜‹ They mainly offer frozen yogurt. And hey, yogurt is good for your digestive system, so I am getting a healthy treat while feeling less guilty. πŸ₯³ Honestly, 4 USD is a lot for a medium-sized dessert in the Philippines. So maybe I can get this once in a while. Better yet make it at home. (The frugal me is coming outπŸ˜†)



I got a bigger size this time than the usual cup that I ordered. This comes with three toppings of choice. I got dragon fruit, almonds, and the sweet brown sauce that I forgot the name. πŸ˜†


I have to take a nice picture for the blog before destruction! πŸ˜‹



The frozen yogurt is super thick and creamy as always. The almonds were diced and coated with sugar, like a candied type. It has roasty and savory taste to it. The dragon fruit is just so-so, nothing special at all. The brown sauce is too sweet for my liking. I don't know what's in there but I will never pick that again. πŸ˜†

I had a little chit-chat with my friends while scooping my dessert little by little. I took a third portion of the yogurt and mixed it with the fruit and almond. I guess it is a balanced partition of the elements. πŸ˜‹


Oh, hello!βœ¨πŸŽ†

Kids love to stand on the podium while their parents take pictures of them. I waited for people to leave to take a picture of the backdrop. I'm surprised there's no line of people. Maybe they got used to it already. πŸ˜…


Not a lot of grocery shoppers, eh? Well, the holiday is over, so time to cut our expenses for a while. πŸ˜† I also have to look for food storage that my mom asked me for. Not sure why, but I have the feeling that she's going to throw the old ones. New year, new tubs? πŸ˜…


I found these Japan-made tubs, but I think it is not food-grade. I do not have the kitchen knowledge that my mom has, so I have to skip buying these for now. I don't like wasting money on things that I do not understand.



Almost 6 pm and I have to go home now. The malls still have their Christmas decorations up. This red reindeer is a striking one. I wonder when they will take these out.


It was a long day for me, but I had fun! βœ¨πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–

That is it for this blog. Thanks for reading~ πŸ’–

πŸ“Έ All photos are owned and taken by me, otherwise credited. ©️jijisaurart

πŸ‘Ύ NFT Showroom: nftshowroom.com/jijisaurart
πŸ₯° Open for commissions!!!

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