Did I Get The Better End of The Deal?

I wish questions like this wouldn’t be such a no-brainer. I honestly wish it took time for me to decide whether I think I’m brainy or sexy. But the truth is, as soon as I saw the topics of this week’s weekend engagement by @galenkp, I immediately knew which topic I’d choose and I also didn’t have to think at all as to which of the attributes I feel I am.

It’s time to be honest with the Blockchain…You can choose one option only. Do you think you are sexy or brainy?.....

And the answer is a hundred percent yes to the fact that I think I’m brainy, not sexy and I’ll tell you why I feel that way.

I may have said this before but if so, I’ll say it again. From when I was little, I’m not the girl people give second glances at. Pretty much everyone would pass me by. Maybe it’s because my face was perpetually in a tight frown, but it could be for other reasons.

In class, I would raise my hands to be picked to present something. Give a speech or something like that. I usually liked doing presentations but I won’t be picked. It’s like my face wasn’t receptive at all. Lol. But, when the teacher, with barely masked reluctance, deigns to pick me and I present, I usually feel the change in the expressions of the students, my teacher included.

It’s like scales fall from their eyes and I no longer look like some creature from outer space. I guess it should have made me feel sad that they only acknowledged me cause of the things I said, but I felt happy. Elated even. Because intelligence is a good enough reason for recognition. And if their awestruck faces are because I’m brainy then why not relish in it?

I think I’m brainy because I’m never at a loss when intelligent questions are asked. I try my best to know a little bit about everything so that I could give my candid, smart responses when it's needed. I know how to keep the conversation going and the fact that most people who come in contact with me would use the term ‘that short smartass’ or ‘that witty little beach ball.’ Really, I’m fine with any name I’m called as far as you establish that I’m brainy regardless but, if it’s not something official and it’s regular texting with someone I don’t like or have no interest in, yeah, chances are you’ll peg me off as boring.

My dad always warned me about not volunteering to answer something in class and that I should always wait to be called upon. I saw the wisdom in that because everyone sees someone who always leaps to answer questions as a showoff or conceited, so it’s better for the teacher, after bypassing me several times to ask the students he feels are intelligent to finally come back to me and say “Hey. You with the stony face, you better have the answer to my question.” And I’ll stand up, in all my rejected glory and answer. Pretty cool right?

I’m happy when I hear my friends say things like, “let’s ask Tess, she’ll know the smart thing to do.” Or when my older, really smart cousin-guys, after we engage in a gruelling conversation or banter, say things like “Your husband will surely enjoy having such a brainy wife but maybe you’ll send him to an early grave with that mouth of yours.” Hah! He wishes.

So yes, my brain does it for me. I would wish it was the other one but, I guess God knew even if He gave me that, I still may not be able to pull it off. Oh well, He does have a point there.

All pictures are mine, taken by me.

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