Beauty In The Heart of The Beholder

“Attraction is what happens between you. It’s not universal. And it’s not conventional. And thank God for that.”

-Rainbow Rowell-

Ah! The concept of attraction. Nothing like this topic to raise hackles because of how controversial it is. I find it mysterious sometimes to know that when it comes to attraction, we may all have the same eyes but we’re seeing different things entirely. And as the years go by, I’ve come to understand the true meaning of the statement “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

Now some people are indisputably beautiful. People that everyone can accept as beautiful. Like you’re a blind man on a galloping horse but you can still admit to it kind of beautiful. Then there are the other ones that are now left to the people beholding them to argue on whether they are beautiful or not.

But we often make the mistake of confusing beauty with attraction. There are many times my friends and I will see a guy on Tv and we all gasp at how gorgeous he is but then I’ll be like “Meh! He’s not attractive.” And then they’d rain fire and brimstone on me and say “But, he’s handsome!” and I’m always amused because a person being handsome doesn’t mean you’ll find them attractive. It’s that simple. You’re drop-dead gorgeous but I look at you and that zing, lol, of attraction is absent.

Picture captured by me

Now to the topic of the day, I’ve already admitted to the fact that you may have a face so handsome, it could make an angel weep and I’d still not find you attractive. I’m not saying that the blandest of faces appeal to me, I’m just saying that a handsome face is not a guarantee.

Now for the athletic/muscled part, I’ll have to admit, there’s this certain attraction it holds to me. (Hold your horses guys) when it’s not overboard. Like you’re just a regular guy who goes to the gym a couple of times. You don’t have to be ripped. Who am I kidding? I’d most likely be repulsed if you are this ripped guy with veins that are visible even with a long-sleeved shirt on. (trust me there are guys like that.) Like you can just be fit without all that “drama.” And no, I’m not into beer bellies too. Hah!

But I’m still maintaining the fact that you can still have that nice type of body and it’ll still not cut it. Because the truth remains that I am not neither do I see myself as being the type of person that completely agrees with the “love at first sight” thingy. Yes, there could be that initial appreciation of your features but it takes one conversation. Just one. And I’d know for myself if you’re an attractive person.

Because many times you’ll hear people say “I thought she was beautiful or I thought he was handsome, then we had a conversation and even the beauty I thought I saw faded in front of me.”

I had an encounter one time with this guy at a seminar. He had this devious grin that promised beautiful wickedness(don’t mind my description guys, I read too many rom-coms for my own good.😅) and he had these adorable dimples and so, like half the female population of the world, I fell for those dimples immediately. He was a few tables from me but at some point, we made eye contact. He grinned at me and I think I gave something that resembled a smirk. He smiled again but I broke the eye contact, still smiling(you know these things, lol).

Anyways, we had the opportunity to talk during recess and he walked up to me and there was this lady seated in one of the chairs at my table and the next thing he said was “Some people don’t know that there are some places they shouldn’t be with the kind of clothes they have.” And he said this, gesturing at the lady whose face was already flush with embarrassment. She picked up her bag and scurried away.

And I’m telling you guys, it was like magic. The scales fell from my eyes and my prince suddenly transformed into a hideous frog. The initial appreciation of his features died in an instant and whatever attraction was budding or could have, perished like when you blow a candle. I asked why he talked to her like that and he made this dismissive gesture saying something like people should know their place.

Yo, I was three seconds from yelling in that icky face of his but I just coldly told him to please move back to his seat. Shocker guys, he didn’t even know what he did wrong because he stood up looking all confused but walked back to his seat. A terrible encounter indeed.

The truth is attraction transcends far beyond a person’s looks or physical features. It’s in the heart. It’s in his words. It’s not in the way he treats you, but in the way he treats others because that’s how you’ll know who he truly is. Makes sense right?

Anyways this is my take on it but I know people have differences in opinion. I’d love to hear them in the comments.

This is my response to the Attraction Topic by @galenkp.

Have a beautiful weekend.❤️

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