Sunday Happenings, Welcoming New Life.

Being able to appreciate life is one of the greatest thing you can do as a human and today, I witnessed a new life that's been born. My heart was captivated by these new life and end up appreciating them.

Hello there my fellow hivers from all over the world. I hope you're doing good so far. It's monday again and I hope it started in a good way.

Anyway, let me share you the thing that I witnessed yesterday. If you remember the blog about how I encountered a rabbit for the first time in real life. I said there that maybe the female rabbit was pregnant so I consulted sir @Eunoia101 if what are the basis of a pregnant rabbit.

He said that when she's aggressive already to the male one and told me to separate the female, so that when she gave birth, her babies are safe. I relied that to my uncle and he immediately did it. Just last week, my cousin called me that the female one already gave birth to 6 healthy baby rabbits.

I was jumping in joy and immediately informed my grandma. With that case, my uncle said to me that we can visit it so I told my father that we will go there and we went yesterday. My father was excited also.



We arrived there before lunch and the same just like the last time, I immediately visited their cage. My uncle assisted me in opening it. At first, I'm wondering where are the babies because I don't see a single one. So he told me where they are and boom.


There they are, resting in their mother's hair. I thought that my uncleade a small box but he said that the mother dug a not too deep hole then sheds it's hairs. He wondered why she's doing that and they were surprise to see the babies already. They never give an update on what's going on so I'm clueless.

I'm really happy to see them especially that they said that there's a pure black one in color. I really loved color black so that's what I planned to adopt as my pet but the sad news is that he died. They don't know the reason but they just saw it the other day without a life already.

I'm so sad about it, there's still one black but it's not pure. It has some white I guess since they didn't see it well yet, the same for me when we checked it yesterday.



Before we went home, I fed them both. The mother rabbit is not that distant anymore and it really made me happy. Not like the other time that she is.

I also took photos of their cats also. They also have pets such as cats and dogs. They are very kind owner also that's why we get along with my uncle. hihi.
He's the first one that I took. He's very kind and clingly as well. Since my jeans is black, his hair were all over it haha. My grandma didn't like it.


This is the second one and as you can see he has a sharp eyes lol. It's like he's saying, "I don't want you to take a picture of me hooman." haha.


But in the end he said, "Let it be, Go. Take a picture of me as a remembrance of my cuteness. meoww." He really did the meow in the end after I took one. haha. Just so cute.

That ends what happened yesterday and,

I thank you for reading once again. Advance happy valentines.

-Live and appreciate the beauty of your life even if it's full of thorns.
Jhero 02/13/23

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