A Tiring Day Last Saturday.

A lot of things are happening in our life. We notice it and we may not because we are too focus on things that really matters but the thing is, we must be grateful for every second of our life. Right? If not then you should. I hope you had a great day so far my fellow hivers.

The day when we plant our rice seedlings in our field is almost near and yesterday, we went to the our farm in order to do the finishing work before we transplant the seedlings that will be uprooted tomorrow. Being in the field is really hard to be honest because you will be in the middle of the farm, under the burning sun. You're lucky if it's cloudy but if it's not then it's a battle of endurance and patience.

It's a bad timing for me together with my father because the sun is very alive and burning. With the hot temperature, we get tired easily and caused the water in our body to dried up that's why we have water with us that we can drink anytime.


My father was the one who operates the hand tractor, giving the final cultivation of the rice field. It's easier now to do this work since it will not require a lot of repetition anymore since the field is already ready. But it is still a hard job to do so my father got really tired after. I'm grateful that we finished the almost 1 hectare just by ourselves.


He's incharge of that machine while me, I'm incharge in leveling each area of the field. I used the tool that I made using a portion of slab. I was the one who levels the mud equally making the water later on to be easily distributed within the field.


It may sounds easy but the truth is, it's really hard especially if the area is deep making my movements very slow. My whole body has been worked out in the process, making me to feel a little bit of pain now. I did the process through the almost 1 hectare. I'm just really glad that even if it's hard, I felt that it seems I'm not getting fully tired and finished it successfully.


After all those work we did, finally we finished it and we rest a little bit before going home. The sky is getting darker and darker that's why we decided to go home already. As you can see in the photo below, on top of that mountain is already full of dark clouds.


When we are at home already, I noticed someone who is not familiar in my eyes so I ask my grandmother who's that.


She said that my cat Shizu is in heat again that's why there's a male cat with her at the roof. I was so intrigue with the male cat and tried to take photos of him but he's not that friendly lol. Despite that, still I took photos of him and that's him. His body is in good shape making me want to pet him so bad that's why I tried to approach him but no luck at all.


And here the gorgeous Shizu who has a long hair lol. No wonder the male cats here are going here in our house just to court her. They are very loud at the moment at the roof and my grandmother is not happy with it haha.



Manda is not yet that big but look at her looks like she's enjoying it lol.




As I observed them, I noticed one ripe fruit of my Alatires tree and I decided to get it hoping that I can take a good photo of the male cat. But he's so very distant and because of that I gave up.

My day ended with that and it's sunday again, tomorrow is already monday and I hope that it will be great again for all of us.

Thank you for reading friends.

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