Greed and investment scams

Investment scams exist many times in the history. They keep on coming back because people are so greedy.

If you are a Filipino you might heard about KAPA which they literally gave meaning as KAbos PAdatuon, a Cebuano term which means poor will become rich.

This is widely known specially in Mindanao, island of Philippines in the year 2018-2019 before the pandemic hits.

KAPA was said to be a religious organization helping their poor members to be rich. They promised to give a huge interest of your money in just one month. If my memory serves me right, it is 30% increased per month. Who wouldn't say no to that amount? You can also let it sleep as most people call it to make it more bigger because the interest will have another interest.

Many of our friends, neighbors and even church mates joined this and prove us that it is true because they have already payed out many times.

We asked more about it and read the form they are having. The heading says DEED OF DONATION, it means that you are just donating your money for that group.

At first we use our mind and told people who are trying to convince us that it wasn't true. How come they can have their money back with interest if you are donating your money.

We stand by our principle and said NO. We are so against about it. Some of our friends and even some of our church mates became angry with us because we are against on their stand.

Many people became so greedy at these times. Many people sell their properties and donate their money to KAPA. Many resigned from their regular job to get paid and donate their money and enjoying to receive the interest per month. Many withdraw their money from the bank and invest on this organization. Farmers worried about their crops especially corn because no one will agree to get paid by harvesting the crops because they can get bigger amount from KAPA.

Malls, fast food chain are always full during this time because people will enjoy the moment after they will get their interest.

Year past and some of our friends and neighbors started to buy land, started to build houses, started to buy vehicles, started to change their lifestyles who always came to fast food, wears expensive clothing and sadly even their attitude change.

As a human being, we also have dreams or wish in life. We wanted to have our own land and own house because we are still renting a room that time.

Because of that dream, we leave our principle, eat our pride and join with them. We tried to donate some amount of money to help my sister in law in her schooling. All interest will go to her for her allowance and school use. For few months it became a help for her.

Until such time, we donate another amount, bigger than the first donation. We did it hoping that after a year we could buy a home lot and build a little house for our family.

Months passed and it is going good. The greedy part of ourselves pushed us to add more hoping to have a bigger money at the end of the year and saddest part of it, the money was loaned. We now have debt but we didn't worry about it thinking the greater return.

Unfortunately days after we put the last donation, KAPA was being raid and in a blink of the eye everything vanish like a bubbles.

Everyone got scammed from the poorest of the poor to the richest people around whose greediness reach more than the limit. Poor became more poor and rich loose some of their money.

Many had suffered stress, anxiety and depression and even others fall into suicide. What a very sad experience and what a very sad history in our place.

I and my husband didn't blame each other because at first we knew it was wrong but we didn't stand on our principle and our greedy heart won over us.

Sometimes being not contented on what we have and being jealous from what others have will lead us to a wrong path. It will darkened our mind and we cannot think more of what is right.

It is a lesson for everyone and much more to ourselves - THERE IS NO SUCH EASY MONEY! We should work for it.

That's a part of our gloomy experience. It was the first great struggle we have as husband and wife. We suffer paying our debt for two years and thanks God He still save us from this darkness.

Here is one of the forms we still have until this very day. This form will remind us the mistake and the lessons we have learned.

This is my participation for @galenkp weekend engagement writing topics week 166.

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you also learn something.

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