Cockroaches, please leave me alone

Everyone is unique. We have different strengths and weaknesses. Even the strongest person we knew has a weakness or weaknesses deep within that some people may or may not know.

I do have fears and I am afraid of something that you might think I am not. I am afraid of COCKROACHES that sometimes I would cry because of it.

Photo from Unsplash by Erik Karits>

As far as I can remember, I started to have fear of cockroaches when I was still a child after I saw a movie that cockroaches lives inside the human body. They are so many that they could kill people. People try to save their lives and travel through the sea but the cockroaches fly towards their direction. They released some bomb and the cockroaches died. I felt relieved knowing that all cockroaches died but at the end of the film, one cockroach flew towards the television viewer direction and I felt so afraid of it. I don't know what the title of that movie is and i think my fear of cockroaches started that moment.

Because of that fear, I have made a lot of funniest things for other people but it was scariest for me. Allow me to share the four circumstances or experiences with cockroaches.

Jumping while crying

When I am standing in the kitchen doing cooking or washing the dishes and unexpectedly the cockroach will pass by on my feet, I can't stop myself from crying and jumping hoping that the cockroach won't pass to my feet again.

My mother will always say, Jen, learn to control your emotion. Cockroaches are so small compared to your feet. She's right, I am trying to step on the cockroach but most of the time my fear wins over me.

Running towards a mosquito net

I was a college working student at that time when all the people in my aunt's house were asleep and I am the only one left that is still awake because I am reviewing my notes for the next day's quiz or exam. The night is so quiet when suddenly a cockroach is flying over my head, stops on the wall and flies again. Flying cockroaches are the scariest cockroach for me.

Sometimes I can control myself not to panic seeing a cockroach on the wall or on the floor just crawling slowly or just resting in one corner but a flying cockroach would allow me to fly if I could. What I did that night is to run as fast as I can towards our bedroom and enter into the mosquito net. There I felt safe knowing that a cockroach can't follow me inside the mosquito net.

Teasing me with a fake cockroach

I was in the church at that time sitting in front of the table when a young man put a fake cockroach on top of the table. I panicked because it was there right in front of me, I stood as fast as I could and tried to leave the table. My tears were falling, my heart beat so fast until I saw that young man laughing in front of me telling me it was just a toy. I felt relieved because it was fake but I felt so bad because of that prank.

Photo from Unsplash by Erik Karits

Remove and throw my pajamas

I am sitting and we are eating in front of the table when I feel something moving in my hips inside my pajamas. I held it to stop it from moving, and I realized that it's shape is like a cockroach. Without thinking about anything, I removed my pajamas and threw it right away making my pajamas flee from one wall to the other leaving me only wearing my panty below. [As I am writing this, my heart beat faster remembering those scary moments in my life.]

Glad it is only me and my husband in our boarding house that time because if ever there are other people, it will be one of the most embarrassing moments in my life.

My husband laughed and at the same time felt pity on me. He said that my feet are so big compared to the cockroach and why should I be afraid?

Sadly, my son also had this fear. He is also afraid of cockroaches and he might get this fear from me.

This is my participation for the weekend engagement week 157 by Sir @galenkp. I am so sorry for not using my own photo this time because seeing solely a cockroach would lead me away from it. I would think that what if it will crawl or fly towards me?

People around sometimes felt scared too when I suddenly shout because of cockroaches.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you won't tease me with fake and above all a real cockroach, it might kill me🥺.

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