A Night Of Stars

This is my first entry to this community. I had been wondering what post to make when I came across these prompts by @galenkp, it was the opportunity I sought so I quickly grabbed it with both hands. Then I found this particular prompt very captivating for a variety of reasons.

If you could go on a date with James Bond, Donald Trump, Beyonce or Mother Teresa, who would you choose and why?

In the early nineties, I was just a kid but I watched movies with everyone in my family and I loved the gun-wielding character in the action movie series, James Bond 007. I think it was his way of doing things, his inexplicable ability to get out of a very dangerous situation, his way with very beautiful women, while consuming a Martini and his very sleek cars. It was a much loved household name that even my cousin Donald, in his dedication to the Bond legacy took on the alias, Don Bond 007. So I wouldn't overemphasize how much the character of James Bond was so much loved for his thrilling adventures. It was a name synonymous with espionage, action and sophistication. "The Golden Eye" is one of my old time favourites and I have watched it for like a thousand times.

I would go with James Bond 007 on a date because of the special place the franchise holds in my heart. But the role was played by different dudes at every point in time so I should have a preference right?

Pierce Brosnan! I loved his actions, and then the way his Tuxedo sits on his broad shoulders is simply amazing. he had the charisma of a real life agent - Infact he was the real deal, a legendary spy.

I can already picture myself stepping into a world of elegance and charm with him by my side. His captivating presence drawing me deeper into an intriguing world of suspense and romance. It would be a night of Stars and an experience of a lifetime.

The photo is of me, taken from my gallery.

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