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Renewal with astrophysicist Skymap [WE: 125]

Notification Reminder Gradient Feminine Instagram Post - 2022-10-29T133628.003.png

This is my response to[WE125]Weekend-Engagement blog post. You can also join the challenge.


Weekend Adventure

This weekend, you can choose to do any of the things listed below. What do you choose and why? Write at least 400 words.

Stargazing with a telescope and an astrophysicist, Tenerife, Canary Islands.

Renewal with astrophysicist Skymap

This imagination that makes me fly helps me to install the best telescope in Tenerife, Canary Islands on my cell phone with my astrophysicist Skymap, the application that I download every time I see the starry sky I point it with my cell phone as if I were going to take a picture and the application points its lens to the sky, and it gives me the names of everything I am seeing from my beautiful city where my most unusual dreams come true ... under the same sky of this world planet home of all.

I choose this proposal from Galen for this weekend's commitment. I have been studying cosmo-mobility for many years and every time the moon arrives, which last night was crescent (crescent) as I usually say, in any of its phases, for me, it is an excellent opportunity to renew myself. This starry night tells me that the days to come are powerful! And even more so when the stars in the sky send me messages that are activating and very special.

Therefore, looking at the sky through my natural optics, I receive from the universe dynamic influences that radiate to attract to my life what I want. The planet Ares, the warrior of the sky, the one in charge of moving my instincts, of activating my adrenaline, of filling me with energy, is present in my sign of Gemini - The Twins to make mental alchemy.

Focusing the telescope(Skymap)

I can see how my mind can be my best ally or my greatest enemy, it all depends on the focus and willpower to keep it on track. That is what the best cosmobiologist astronomer I have ever had in my life would tell me, my paternal grandfather Don Enrique Arratia Oses, a Basque Spaniard who emigrated to my country many years ago.

My grandfather had a coffee and cocoa plantation and there he had his astronomy base in Bocono-Trujillo State, he had his telescope in the Venezuelan Andes, and he was an ambassador of the cosmos and visited by people from all parts of the country and neighboring countries who came annually to look at his natal charts.

With him, I was initiated since I was a 9-year-old girl in the world of cosmobiology... Hari Om! Grandfather.

The stars that give me power

They are the stars of my birth, the ones that give me the cosmic impulse that allows me to maintain the energetic and special balance to activate my rituals, the ones I do every time I connect with my harmony, balance, beauty, and peace and most importantly with my mental energy and my intentions for the coming months of October, November, and December in the stretch of the end of the year 2022.

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The camera of the cell phone without the help of the application Sky map is observed as it is in the images that I share.

There are moments in life, in which the sky tests me to measure my mood (character) and the planet that is in charge of that is the master Saturn.

I call it the diamond cutter

In the cosmos is represented by the planet Saturn is the teacher who comes to give me that big boost, he reminds me of that teacher who everyone feared at school because he was known to be strict, and his exams were the most difficult. Sure, if... it's like that.

Thanks to this teacher today I am grateful for his teachings after overcoming many challenges when his influence makes its presence felt we experience various tests, pressure, delays in plans, and all kinds of obstacles that once overcome lead to a conscious life, full and full of wisdom.

We humans are the fleeting ones, not the stars

Because thanks to its cycle, I have the wonderful opportunity to shine with my own light, strengthen myself, and move forward with firm steps aimed at empowering my projects, business, and entrepreneurship and that my mind connects with creativity and is my energetic powerhouse, ...hahahahahah... I get the best out of myself.

Because it takes out everything that no longer flows in harmony with me; therefore, I do not take anything personally, in this time that is about to end I just know that I must observe the situation, take my lesson, and move forward with my natal chart that according to the stars speak of going calmly without rushing to release, release, cleanse body and mind, so I realize the changes that I should do this year to reach 2023.

PS. To use this application, it is always good to be in places where there is not much light to appreciate the clear and bright sky. The advantage I had last night is that there was no electricity, and that allowed me to see the beauty that the sky was giving me. Thanks to the application of my astrophysicist Sky map I can share what was captured by the lens.


Have you ever had your birth chart done by a cosmobiologist?

I'll read you in the comments.

Captura de pantalla 2022-09-21 152403.png

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Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

The cover image was taken with the lens of the Skymap application.
The images are edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL