I believe in the ceremony of two ...

To enjoy my weekend look that is relaxed and without much effort.*

*Fun fact *...

When I was a little girl and then in my teenage stage, I only wore dresses or skirts. I hated jeans or pants.

Nowadays, I love dresses, but without a doubt I use everything, what I have in my closet, I love cotton clothes. The truth is that I feel that every day I exploit more styles when dressing on weekends. Mostly, I do it because I still believe in the ceremonies of two, and we do it with different styles when dressing, it's one of our many ways to get out of the routine of the whole work week, my husband and I.

Every time Friday arrives, the day before the weekend, although it is brief if my husband and I are not traveling, I usually set my afternoon table, like 7 pm and decorate it as if we were on a wedding anniversary, a birthday.

Ahhhh and I appreciate the cuteness of putting on the same clothes for our ceremonies of two, we dress the same and enjoy a lot, since we are together, we do...lol

Why two ceremonies?

Because it's time to talk, to be together, to look into each other's eyes, and hold hands. I don't cook as much as possible, but my husband does, and I'm in charge of designing the menu, I've been preparing everything since Friday.

I learned with my mom, who is already 67 years of marriage, that for these ceremonies between two people you eat with a tablecloth, and feet under the table, never in a hurry, nor standing (standing), nice background music, and the phone DOES NOT EXIST.

I am fascinated by good taste when serving the table and decorating them eclectically, filling it with colors, flavors and love with freshly brewed coffee... That is also an art

To my husband, it always provokes me to feed him with special food in this type of ceremony, because this man is always hungry, he celebrates and is grateful for everything I offer him.

He eats like they are going to take the food off his plate, hahaha 😂 maybe because he comes from a large family of 8 siblings, hahah.

He never leaves any food on the plate, nor on the trays, so there is no need to be looking for containers to store if there was anything left. And if there is anything left, it is saved for brunch-style breakfast, Saturdays and Sundays, whether it is chicken livers, cauliflower rice or eggplant pasticho that have been left over from Friday or Saturday dinner. Everything qualifies for your heavenly breakfast.

Wine for our celebration is essential and is her favorite department when we go shopping for these special weekends.

In conclusion, for us life is these details, of the simplicity of the small, he loves these celebrations of two, we take advantage of dancing and hugging, with a very nice and served table, meticulous and captivating in details for both.

Those white plates in the background, we bought them years ago, they are part of my crockery, my table jewel. That moment is sacred, and it is an act of love and gratitude, it is eaten tastier, and they are moments that are not forgotten.

For 30 years of the 47 of marriage, we founded and built this home.

Since then, we decided that on weekends, when possible, we should focus on sharing the table for dinner and breakfast, it is my recommendation for all moments of life, to be clear about what you want and give it everything until you get it.

And while I celebrate that I am in love, love is like the energy that transforms and when there is no transformation anymore it dies.

That's why, my husband always tells me Janitze, let's keep harvesting stellar moments, which help us connect better and grow individually, and as a couple, that's how I see it, they are beautiful celebrations and cute moments.

Janitze ❣️

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Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL

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